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"BAMMMMM" the biggest school bully, Park Chanyeol, slammed your desk asking for your homework.

"Pabo, give me your homework or else i won't make your days pleasant for the rest of the week" he yelled.

"What the hell? Can't you at least ask nicely? What's so hard about being nice and polite?" You reprimanded.

Chanyeol went speechless. You thought you knocked some senses off his head but no....he grabbed your school uniform harshly and-

"Hey listen to me you- ah whatever you are, who the hell do you think you are? What makes you think you can just simply advice me like that? No one talks to Park Chanyeol like that, you get that?" Chanyeol finally letted off your school uniform and snatched your homework.


The following day, you were at school as usual. Just putting some books in your locker and getting ready for the next lesson.

As you closed the metal door of your locker, there you see, Park Chanyeol's face and his gang, staring at you with their deadly glares. He snatched your books and threw it away causing it to fly across the hall. He pushed you hard that until it made you fell right on your butt.

At that moment, you really couldn't take it. You were a laughing stock in the whole school, the whole school was laughing at you. And you were sobbing real hard.

"Hah thats what you get for talking back at me" Chanyeol smirked.


The school bell rang, a sign that the next lesson has already begun. But instead of attending it, you gathered all your courage to stand up and run up to the rooftop till school ends.

It hurts so much. Until this day, you just don't seem to know what have you ever done to Chanyeol till he made you like this. Was it because of you talking back to him? Being a smart alec for advising him to talk nicely? If yes, then he's pretty much childish.

Your hatred towards Chanyeol became bigger. You sat there quietly while tears rolled down your cheeks. You tried to calm yourself down by enjoying the warm breeze of the cooling air.

After a few hours of ditching lessons, the school bell then rang. You feel a little bit calm and you decided to go back home. As you were about to get up, you heard the entrance door creeked.

You looked down and saw a pair or black converse shoes. You looked upwards and saw Chanyeol standing there, with his face covered with guiltness.

The sight of him makes your heart boil.

"What the hell do you want right now? Wasn't it enough of you humilating me infront of the whole school? Was it fun bringing me down? Why are you doing this? What? Just because i advised you? I talked rudely to you? Is that it? Wake the hell up Chanyeol who the hell do you think you are? Im not afraid of you. Do whatever you okay Chanyeol i don't care" You finally had the guts to say it. Finally had the guts to stand up yourself. If he's going to do something after this, then /sighs/let him be.

You purposely bumped his shoulder as you tried to walk off when suddenly....

You felt something warm and soft grabbed your wrist. It was Chanyeol's hand.

"What do you want from me Chanyeol?" You shouted.

"I have a problem" He said with his head looking down.

"Okay so? That's not my problem. Aren't you the biggest bully here? Why are complaining it to me? I mean, who am i right? Im pretty sure you can solve EVERY problems you have. Well, excuse me now, i have better things to do." You managed to let Chanyeol free your hands and then you walked off.

Chan Yeol then quickly turned your shoulders facing him, "(Y/N), im sorry okay, im sorry. Everything i did, i know it was childish. I know i've gone beyond the line. And im not suprised to find out that you hate me. Im really sorry (Y/N) im a beast, worse than a beast, im a jerk. It might sound weird or nonsensical to you but its just how i express my feelings, im sorry."

"Wh-what feelings..? You asked.

"Like i've said, i have a problem. Well.....I actually lost my heart."

"Hah funny, then how the hell can you still live without it? Just get straight to the point Chanyeol, I've no time for this"

"Yea i know here me out okay, I lost my heart, I tried to search it everywhere but to no avail. I panicked wondering what to do but then.....

"Then what?"

"Suddenly, i remembered..."

Chanyeol was looking down, but you could tell something from his face but you counldn't figure it out what was it. His face became gloomy so you tried to go easy with him.

" remembered..?"

I remembered that i actually gave it to you.." He looked up slowly...into your eyes, deeply.

"I don't get what you're trying to say"

"Yah (y/n), why must you make everything hard for me????"
He ruffled his in frustration.

"Ok fine, i-i actually like you okay, I LIKE YOU. Do you get it now (y/n)?"

You stood there in awe. You blinked your eyes a few times to make sure it wasn't a dream.

"No no way, you must be joking" you laughed.

"A-aish!!!!!!!" He shouted his cheeks became red, and he dashed off.

"What's up with that bully, ah seriously?" You thought to yourself.

You couldn't care less about what had happened earlier so you decided to take some books from your locker back home, since you ditched you lessons, you need to catchup with what the teacher had taught.

As you closed your locker, you noticed a boy sitting while his chin resting on the table with his hands over his head.

"Cha-Chanyeol..? You stuttered.

"What are you doing here?" He groaned.

"Oh, i went to-

"Ah shutup"

You startled, you wanted to say something but nothing came out from your mouth.

"Araseo, I should go now"

"(Y/N), wait!"

Chanyeol gripped your wrist and pulled you into his embrace. You stood theres like a rock, you don't know whether to hug him back or to just push him away. It was after a few seconds when you suddenly had the urge to surround his neck with your arms. And then slowly, you're hugging each other.

You could hear Chanyeol's sniffs and you already knew he was crying. Chanyeol finally letted out a voice,

"Im sorry, I love you"

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