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"Jagiya!!!! Are you done yet?" You heard a voice below which belonged to your very own personal guardian, Suho.

"Ya!! I'm almost ready!!" You shouted. You combed your hair and fixed ur collar. You wore a sleeveless collared dress with a button-up sweater. You went downstairs and you noticed Suho was looking at you while you walked down the stairs.

"Yah Suho do I look weird?" You pouted while you checked your shirt and skirt.

"Ahh no you look beautiful, as always. Not too revealing not too...hmmm lets just say I like it when you wear something like this." He smiled happily.

He pulled your hand that made you dragged along with him.

"Let's go" Suho winked at you.

It was Suho's off day, so you guys decided to spend the day together.


"Babe, wanna grab a bite first? My stomach is growling." Suho pouted and rubbed his eyes like a 5 years old kid as he rested his on your shoulder.

"Stop acting like a baby." You chuckled.

"Okay, anything for my you." you smiled. "Let's go get a bite"

Suho smiled from ear to ear as you guys walked in hand to a random restaurant when suddenly someone tapped behind you.

"Ah Taemin-ah!!" Taemin, your childhood friend. He moved to the US as his parents were offered a better job there.

You and Taemin shared a long hug till Suho cleared his throat as a sign to show that he's still there.

"Oh um Taemin, this is my boyfriend, Suho. Suho, this is my childhood friend, Taemin." I smiled.

Both of them shook their hands while glaring at each other.

I looked at them and decided to say a word,

"Um so Taemin, where are you going?"

"Oh I'm just walking around, trying to adapt the new environment here." He smiled.

"Do you mind accompanying me? Im not really familiar, and Im afraid I'll get lost." He chuckled.

"Um-.." Before you could even finish your sentence Taemin already grabbed your wrist and dragged you along with him.

Redness filled in Suho's eyes. Smoke came out from his ears. His hands formed into a fist wanting to punch Taemin's face. But all he could do was to tail the two of you.


*After a few hours*

"(Y/N)-ah thanks for today" Taemin smiled.

"Um its okay." You looked at Suho and he wasn't very happy.

"Okay then, I'll get going, it was fun today." Taemin continued.

"Ya whatever now get lost." You looked at Suho and went speechless.

"Um-ya i should go now, bye.." Taemin stuttered upon hearing Suho's cold sentences.

You continued looking at Suho, "What?" He asked.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you so harsh towards Taemin?" You answered him in a high tone.

"Are you for real (y/n)? Today was supposed to be our day, we were suppose to spend time with each other but look, some random guy just came up to you and you spent your time with him instead of me."

"Didn't I told you? He was my childhood friend." You answered him back.

"Well yea whatever, I wanna go home." Suho said in a pissed off tone.

"Fine, suit yourself."


As Suho drived, the car was filled with silence and awkwardness.


"So you're just going to keep quiet? Is that it? Why are you being like this?
Oh right, because of Taemin? You know you're just being unreasonable, clingy and-" You were about the finish your sentence when Suho interupted.

"Im your boyfriend, NO ONE is suppose to touch what's mine. NO ONE is suppose to take what's mine away from me, NO ONE, NO ONE. And If you can't accept the fact that Im clingy, and what again? Unreasonable? The- then maybe we shouldn't be together.

Suho letted out with a sigh. You frozed. Tears then dropped.

"Maybe we shouldn't. Pack up what's yours and just leave." You ran upstairs.

Suho knew what he said was a bit harsh. Well, very harsh. He knew that he could mend the things easier by being much more gentle. He knew he had to do something.

Luckily, you were about the close the door while Suho just barged in and carried you out.


You hitted Suho umpteen times. You struggled but Suho was too strong for you, of course.

He opened to the front door of your house and went outside. Finally, he let go of you.

"What is wrong with you today????" You shouted.

"What?? You told me to pack up what's mine and leave, right? Aren't you mine too?" He answered.

You went speechless. Flowers bloomed everywhere.

"I know what I said was harsh but I just got mad and I can't afford to lose you. Im sorry." He said as his eyes became watery.

"No no don't say say that, I was wrong, I should've just told Taemin that we're suppose to spend time together"

You let out a sigh, "Im sorry Suho, I should've been more understanding and a better girlfriend."

"Hey look at me, its okay, okay? Tell you what, lets change for the better, alright?"

You nodded your head with a smile on your face as Suho kissed your forehead.

"Let's get inside, its getting dark and cold."

Suho wrapped his arms around while walking in to the house.

"Okay, let me make it up to you, how about movies and pizzas and....cuddling? He smirked.

"Does that sound good?"

You replied him with a kiss on his cheek, "Lovely."

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