Chapter 8

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Marco looked serious as he walked down the stairs. He was wearing his office attire with a briefcase in his right hand.

He stopped at my side.

"Pack all your things," Marco said.

"W-what? No, Marco. Please don't kick me out." I tried to stop myself from stuttering but failed, I couldn't afford to lose him. I didn't even have his heart, and now he himself was going to disappear from my life?

"Tsk, idiot. We're going to Boracay. My friend invited us." It felt like a thorn was pulled out of my chest when I heard his words.

I giggled slightly. "Okay, Marco. For a moment you had me worried there. I thought you were going to kick me out." I lowered my voice when I uttered the last sentence.

"Pardon me?" he asked, his voice laced with annoyance.

"Ah. Hehe nothing. You should leave now, take care." I scratched my neck out of embarrassment. At the same time, I was happy because I would get to enjoy the summer vibes.

"Tsk, are you trying to get rid of me?" He raised an eyebrow, irritation evident on his face.

"No. I just don't want you to be late for work." I lowered my head because of what he said. I don't want to start a fight right now.

I wanted a peaceful atmosphere at that moment.

"Tsk, I'm the boss, idiot."

Oh yeah. The boss can do whatever he wants. This is why you became like this, right, self? Because he's the boss. I spoke to myself in my mind.

"Tsk, prepare all the things that we need. We're leaving later after I'm finished with work. Do. Not. Dare. Touch. My. Things." He said sharply. "Understood?" he added.

I merely nodded like a dog that had just been reprimanded by its father. When he left, I started preparing the things that we were going to need.

Personal care items

We were ready to go.


"Fuck, what is wrong with you? Do you want me to leave you? For Pete's sake, it's getting late, Mira. We need to leave now!" He yelled from outside my room.

I quickly grabbed my things and rushed out of the room.

"I'm coming now," I yelled in response.

"Tsk, you move so slowly."

"Sorry," I said in a childlike voice as I stood in front of him.

"Tsk." He left me and went outside. Damn, he didn't even bother waiting for me.

Inside the car, we were enveloped in silence.

None of us spoke a word until we arrived in Boracay. It was past midnight when we reached our destination so we decided to sleep in the rest house. We didn't see any of Marco's friends; they were probably asleep.

We were sleeping in two separate rooms. He said that he was annoyed by the sight of my face, but it was okay. I was used to sleeping alone, anyway. It was nothing new to me.

I woke up when I heard voices.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?"

"She is. Like an angel that fell from heaven."

"We are no match for her."

"Her nose is so pointy. And her lips are so red. Shit, I think I'm turning lesbian for her."


I let out a sudden scream because I saw the face of a stranger close to mine. So close that we almost kissed.

They immediately moved away and started screaming along with me.



"Thief, thief!" I yelled at them.

"Ahhh, she said there's a thief!"

"A thief? Where? Let's kill 'em!"

They quickly looked for objects that they could use for protection. The blonde girl grabbed a broom, while the other one was holding a vase. She looked like a dimwit; her eyes were darting in various directions, and she looked ready to hurt someone.

"Uh... Ate, where is the thief?" they asked me confusingly.

"Ahhh, I was referring to you two."

"Huh? Us?" they asked in unison with bewildered expressions.

"Are you joking, ate? Do we look like thieves to you?" She raised an eyebrow at me but she was clearly just messing around.

"Ate, don't degrade us just because you're beautiful. Don't be like that." One of them pouted, pretending to sulk.

"Huh? Who are you girls, then?"

"I'm Micah, ate. Micah Salvador. James' girlfriend, ate."

"And I'm Luna. Luna Reyes. Clark's girlfriend. How about you, ate? What's your name?"

It turned out that they were the girlfriends of Clark and James. How pitiful. They were still young, and they lowered their standards for those stupid playboys.

"I'm Mira Cruz. Stop calling me ate. I'm gonna age quickly if you keep calling me that. Besides, we appear to be around the same age. Just call me Mira."

"Oh yeah, why are you two here, anyways?"

"We wanted to invite you to go swimming with us, ate. It's boring in the pool; we're not really feeling it with our boyfriends right now. It's a good thing they said that Marco's wife was here." Micah explained.

"Yeah, I know, right?" Luna contorted her face into a glare as if she were angry with the boys.

A/N: Sorry for the late update.

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