Chapter 9

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I woke up in Sam and Colby's guest room; startled a bit, not remembering how I got here.

I looked over at my phone as it lit up, the time almost being 8:30, I decided to get up and actually do something with my life.

I went to the guest bathroom to freshen up. I didn't know what time I was going to be heading home, but I know that, after yesterday.. I'm not going out anywhere, besides home.

With that knowledge, I brushed out my hair and threw it up into a claw-clip. Then changed into some sweat pants and a black, laced cropped-cami.

I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone off the charger, then proceeded to walk downstairs to see if anyone else was awake.

To my surprise, everyone was!

"Morning sunshine! We're about to order Starbucks, what do you want!?" Kat said a little too hyper for it to be almost 9:00 in the morning now.

I smiled a bit; laughing as I told her my order. "So, how'd you sleep after last night?" Sam asked; hint of sympathy rang in his voice as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"We'll besides the fact that I woke and had no clue how I got into the house last night, I slept pretty good!" I said, leaning slightly on the counter.

"You don't remember Colby picking you up out of the car and carrying you to the guest room?" Stas replied; slightly stunned.

"He did? How thoughtful!" I said smiling; looking down to hide the hint of embarrassment on my face.

"You're very welcome." I heard a voice behind me speak. I looked over my shoulder to see Colby with a towel wrapped around his shoulders; assuming he just got out of the shower.

I laughed at his shaggy, wet hair and then turned my attention back to the people in front of me. "So, what's the plan for the day?" Sam asked. "Well, I think I'm planning on heading home in about a hour or two." I said, milliseconds later I heard an array of 'NO's coming from the group at hand.

Their outburst caught me off guard, causing me to burst out into a fit of laughter. Everyone soon joined in.

Colby came up behind me and used my shoulder as an arm rest. I wouldn't say I'm super short, but I'm shorter than most people.

I peered up at him as I sensed he was about to say something, right on cue he spoke up. "Sam and I need to edit, but why not you girls go do..uhh..girly stuff?".

Kat squealed as an idea came to mind. "We should go live!!" I thought for a moment and agreed. She pulled me to where they usually have there live streams and began to set everything up; pressing the live button.

After waiting a bit for people to join, we all started talking; drinking our Starbucks that showed up in the middle of setting everything up, and having the best time; laughing are asses off of course.

Sam and Colby had joined in on our shenanigans about 30 minutes ago.

We were all laughing at a joke that Sam had made when my phone began to ring..

It was my dad..

Confused on why he was calling, I excused myself and walked out of the room.

"Dad?" I spoke into my phone. "Hey Sweetheart!" He exclaimed. "How are you??" He asked. "I'm doing really good, I made some new friends and everything!" I then began to tell him about Sam and Colby, about Kat and Stas, as well as Amanda. "They sound amazing honey!"

"So, Why'd you call?" I asked as I took a seat on the stairs. "Well, I've really missed you.. and your birthday is coming up... so I took matters into my own hands and well I booked you a plane ticket home!"

My eyes went wide.


This is a small filler chapter, due to the next giant time skip coming up! I promise that these time skips will make since I'm the future, possibly making Colby and Astrid realize that they don't like being away from each other *WINK WINK*. I finally finished editing all of the chapters so far, due to a lot of grammar issues. ALSO I PASSED MY EXAM! I'm very proud of myself honestly, I was almost certain that I failed that thing. Also summer is coming up, so expect more frequent updates as well! Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
Have an awesome day!
-love author :)

Words: 788

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