|| Seven Kingdoms ||

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This part is for the changes of aristocracy or nobility in the Seven Kingdoms. ( I'm doing this to differentiate who are the powerful or less powerful from all the noble houses of the realm. )

Ranking System

King or Queen

- Ruling monarch of Westeros. -

- King/Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. -

- Lord or Lady of the Seven Kingdoms -

- Protector of the realm. -

- Overlord of the Crownland Region. -

Queen Consort or Prince Consort

- Wife or Husband to the reigning monarch. -

- Provided legitimate heirs. -

- Responsible of running or maintaining the Red Keep and the Inner Court. ( for Queen Consort. ) -

Crown Princess or Crown Prince

- Heir to the Iron Throne -

- Princess or Prince of Dragonstone -

- May substitute for the King or Queen if they are unavailable -

Princess or Prince

- Children or grandchildren of the reigning monarch -

- Can be called as Prince/Princess of Summerhall ( Given to the second born child. ) -

-  Prince/Princess of Rubygold Island - 

( A residence or Palace in the Stepstones, built during Queen Annelyse Targaryen reign and the first one to become its holder is Prince Baelon Targaryen. )

Empires ( Game of Thrones OC Fan Fiction )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon