Chapter 3 - Gearing Up

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CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: I can't believe I got partnered up with you. Do they Expect us two to complete a full-fledged investigation with our little to no training? I thought I was just going on a job that puts me in night watch or something...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Look I don't like you as much as you don't like me you flat out harassed me you pervert... also I will let you know I may have no experience in the field but I'll have you know that I just graduated top of my class in DownPort University for Criminal Justice with a Bachelor's Degree!

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: Oh Really? You just graduated this summer? Uhh... I don't care just don't get in my way Rukia! Anyway let me go ahead and get dressed for our first job...

NARRATOR: Christopher Proceeds to the L.I.P.D. Locker Room!

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Ohhh.... I hate him I HATE HIM I HATE HIM! Why? Why... does my partner have to be some jerk pervert! Oh if I could beat him up I would!
Although... is my Butt really that big? *looks in the mirror* hmm... *sighs* fair enough *blushes* either way he's still a JERK!

NARRATOR: Meanwhile in the Men's L.I.P.D. locker Room...

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: Who does Miss Perfectionist think she is? The Golden Girl? Pfft... I'd like to see her try. She's going to be too scared to go in this investigation case we are going on because she looks like she wouldn't even hurt a flower... not to mention she's like 5'1 she's hilariously short... although without her being angrier then a habanero she's very uhh cute... but she's fucking annoying... *sighs in frustration*

NARRATOR: About 10 to 15 minutes pass by...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: *bangs on the door* Hey! Doofus! Are you DONE YET? It's been like 15 minutes you're slower then my grandfather HURRY THE FUCK UP!

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: *opens the door* jeez don't you look mad as always anyway short stack let's go.


CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: *puts his hand on her mouth* don't you ever STOP TALKING!? come on let's go to our Vehicle for the Job!

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Get your dirty hands off me! Hmmmph! Fine let's go doofus.

NARRATOR: They walk to the main center of the L.I.P.D. Building!

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: Alright Everyone Wish us luck!

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Bye Guys! *waves*

XAVIER PATCHETT: Good luck you two be careful and keep watch for each other you're partners now!

LUKA: Yeah... good luck I guess don't get yourself killed out there... (even though that may happen...)

JUNI: good luck to you both remember if you ever are in need of an emergency you know who to call! Update me on any information on your investigation if something catches your eye understood?

CHRISTOPHER AND RUKIA: Understood! *they head towards their vehicle*

LAIKE RODRIGUEZ: Hey man stay safe okay? and keep that girl safe I think she likes you haha.

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: pffft as if dude anyways we will be back later safe and sound don't you worry.

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Here we go our adventure awaits! *she waits by her door* hey umm excuse me?

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: *already in the car* you getting in or not short stack? It's Already open!

RUKIA AKIYAMA: STOP CALLING ME THAT jeez he's not even a gentleman... *opens her own door*

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: Well here we go... *starts the car and proceeds to leave the L.I.P.D. Parking lot*

NARRATOR: As our heroes now leave the command center something ominous happens inside of the Command Center...

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