Chapter 9 - The 2nd Floor

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NARRATOR: We continue on with Rukia and Christopher to finding the captain Brian Ellis!

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: look I'll climb first this time okay? I don't want anything to happen to you alright Sound good?

RUKIA AKIYAMA: *blushes* t-that's fair come on let's go. *remembers what happened last time and blushes more*

NARRATOR: now the two climb up the ladder with no complications from the first time.

RUKIA AKIYAMA: alright... we made it up...

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: WATCH OUT! *grabs rukia close and shoots the oncoming specter behind her as it fades to dust*  whew that was close....

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Christopher... you s-saved me... *blushes and her heart starts to beat faster as she looks at him* thank you....

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: Come on you're my partner we stick together and have each other's backs got it? *smiles*

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Okay! Yeah we are partners! *smiles back*

NARRATOR: as the two rookies shake off the small interruption of the specter they now start cautiously shooting specters every now and then and find an office on the 2nd floor.

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: okay looks like this is an office of sorts try and find some clues while you can.

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Hey... look *she points at the same picture of the girl they saw on file 100 Akane Himura* it's the same girl but now as a big portrait... that's an interesting detail *takes a photo for evidence*

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: Hmm... you think these books could be of any significance? *glances through the books and finds A Old Diary of Akane Himura* Oh woah... Hey Rukia... check this out *points at the book page and reads* " (December 23rd 1957) Daddy is still up doing his experiments I had many friends to play with but daddy keeps saying that they had to move somewhere else! I hope they're living a good life! Christmas Eve is coming soon and Daddy is not back yet he tells me to stay in bed in the letters he gives me so I don't get sick as Ms. Hana puts a shot in my arm every now and then so I don't get anymore sick"  Wow Rukia are you hearing this? If only this poor girl knew what was happening to these "other girls" that she would call her friends.... Being used to find an adequate subject for the devil serum...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: That's so sad... she was just a normal girl just trying to live... she didn't even know she was dying...

CHRISTOPHER CERVANTES: hey look at this.... *takes out a old yellowed out piece of paper that seems to look like a research facility* "Property of Himura industries 1959" so Rukia you think this place is anywhere in DarkWood? Seems like DarkWood wasn't always so gloomy and dark and mysterious it was a normal country town with residents... I guess it's just a hollow dark shell of its former self just like the specters...  *sees a newspaper clipping in the diary* June  2nd 1961 "First Sentient Humanoid "Black Ghost" Is a Scientific Breakthrough!" H-Hey... Rukia That looks like a specter! Look at the shadow of the figure in the newspaper article that's definitely a specter one of the first! And it reads "Scientist And Doctor Hirohito Himura Discovers Enternal Life With the "Black Ghosts" Treatment where Dead humans can become phantom like creatures with a sentient mind Hirohito disclaimed that testing is still in the beta stages and that not all tests were successful as Children seem to react most differently to the mysterious serum compared to deceased adults"

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Chris... do you think that's what the Devil Serums were Downstairs in the basement? Were those the triggers to spreading this Specter problem? That each time a body deceased or not reacts to it If the body is not compatible they end up black shadow-y and lifeless with red eyes? And that a perfect result makes the subject an actual Devil?

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