Chapter 15 - Ichigo's Past

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NARRATOR: We start off with a Ichigo and Rukia heading over towards DarkWood after a massive battle with one of the devil's the SkullCrusher X03.

RUKIA AKIYAMA: I can't believe all of that stuff happened there's so many specters in Lincoln right now... I hope the guys will be okay...

ICHIGO HOPE: I'm sure they'll be okay it's just crazy that I went from being in a jail cell to this...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Hey umm Ichigo is it? I have a question to ask... Ichigo is a pretty masculine name but yet you look so feminine... is that your real name?

ICHIGO HOPE: No... Ichigo is my Mercenary name that I used for many years to hide my identity from my parents that kicked me off the curb when I was little, My real name is Ichi.

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Sounds like you had it rough back then... your parents abandoned you?

ICHIGO HOPE: yeah... when I came out when I was young about a teenager 12-14 years old I told my family that I am a lesbian and that I identify as non-binary who uses she/her and they/them pronouns... they weren't happy to hear that...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: I'm sorry to hear that Ichi... is it okay that I can call you Ichi? Is this why you're hesitant around people? Because you had such a hurtful past that you began to despise people?

ICHIGO HOPE: Yeah Rukia that's about right... I have Autistic tendencies I have severe ADHD and I distance myself from many people because of it until I found my mercenary group... Called "Lincoln's Deadliest" and don't worry you can call me Ichi...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Did you ever kill anyone?

ICHIGO HOPE: No... I didn't I was trained to defend myself but I never thought of killing as an answer for doing jobs. On the other hand my other comrades were a lot more hesitant about giving mercy sometimes... that why we wear our own masks to hide our identities.

RUKIA AKIYAMA: at least you had morals that's good and you had your humanity still inside of you.

ICHIGO HOPE: despite what we did I never wanted to become a mercenary Rukia but they found me and raised me as one of their own... the leader of "Lincoln's Deadliest" she found me and was like the mother of the group... her name was Alexis. But speaking of that name is... too sensitive for me so that's all you'll get Rukia.

RUKIA AKIYAMA: I see... Ichi if you despised people so much how come you decided to Side with Us? Aren't we like enemies in a way?

ICHIGO HOPE: not exactly Rukia Technically we would be but given the circumstances we are Allies since we are taking care of the same problem. These damn specters and finding out what's going on here plus I lost my family... because of these damn devils ALL HELL TO THEM! *Ichigo bangs on the wheel* sorry... it's just *tears up*

RUKIA AKIYAMA: H-Hey... *pats Ichigo's shoulder and looks at them with a genuine look of reassurance* we will avenge your friends... and who knows we could become your family... you're someone who wants validation and to be accepted... you been through so much Ichi... despite your group doing things we don't agree with you had no other choice... that's what makes you different. You had to go through hardships and find ways to live and make money...

ICHIGO HOPE: T-Thanks Rukia... at least you understand me... it's like you're Ale... *they stop themselves* never mind... you're Rukia... you give me older sister vibes for sure... and I appreciate that. I'm not always so closed off I can be funny I like video games! Ooh like sonic and watch anime! When we had time for those entertainment activities since we had to steal money to get such things...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: I'm glad you see me in such a way Ichi... I want to save my younger sister Hinata... Akane took her away and that's why I need to come back to the place where my sister is taken and where my captain and partner are now missing...

ICHIGO HOPE: and I have to avenge my friends and save my new family... Rukia... thank you for this I honestly needed a talk for sure... it gives me hope... like my last name to keep going...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: Of course Ichi... it's the least I can do now we are in danger zone territory so prepare yourself Ichi for a fight keep your flashlights at the ready since visibility is near non existent.

NARRATOR: The two finally arrive at the Himura Residence drive way but continue on as it seems to be too quiet and with 5 minutes of driving they make it tothe village but have to stop as the spot specters and have to get out and clear the area by shooting some.

ICHIGO HOPE: these Specters take a few more rounds to put them down so keep an eye out *shoots a few rounds and knocks two specters out*

RUKIA AKIYAMA: so from Captain McKenna's map we should be near two fellow L.I.P.D. officers Jaden Hall and Alex Olivo.

NARRATOR: As the two move forward and hop back in the L.I.P.D. Rig... they spot a shack with smoke coming out of it with no signs of Specters anywhere but as that happens they hear screaming from further ahead of the village...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: w-what was that?!

ICHIGO HOPE: I don't know but be on your guard...

NARRATOR: The two move slightly more ahead and then walk up to the shack and find that there's a shaman inside the same shaman who Chris and Brian came across hours ago! Jesse Rodriguez.

JESSE RODRIGUEZ: Come in... I was expecting you but not the mercenary... *turns around* Don't worry you must be Rukia? My little Primo/your Partner Christopher has already told me about you.

RUKIA AKIYAMA: You talked to Chris?! Since when? I must know he's my partner and I just want to know if he's okay... and wait you're related to him? Cousins?

JESSE RODRIGUEZ: yes we are and don't worry my cuz can handle anything he did come in here with a bandage that had blood on it your captain was also pretty banged up as well but they both came here around an hour and 30 minutes ago when the sun was setting.

ICHIGO HOPE: My name is Ichigo I am a mercenary who's working with the L.I.P.D. For the time being so I sense the people we are looking for are further up ahead? And what was that scream we heard earlier?

JESSE RODRIGUEZ: That's the Devil Akane herself who has caught more victims... supposedly some of your other members that were missing...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: this can't be happening... this isn't good... with the rig we can get to where Chris and Brian are a lot quicker... do you know where they went Jesse?

JESSE RODRIGUEZ: they went to the research center further ahead but heed my warning these specters are like no others and they're violent... and can take more firepower so please be careful... I wish I could go but I can't... but I will give you this... *gives you a red dusted bottle filled with a red powder*

RUKIA AKIYAMA: what is this Jesse?

JESSE RODRIGUEZ: this will help... trust me... I've been working on a while to make this powder work for good you'll find out what it does in case you see someone transforming into something that you don't want them to be...

RUKIA AKIYAMA: okay... I trust you Jesse thank you for the help... I will save your cousin... he's my partner and I need to take care of him as he did for me back at the Himura house...

JESSE RODRIGUEZ: I believe in you two good luck... and be safe and be careful.

ICHIGO HOPE: We will... thank you Jesse...

NARRATOR: The Two Leave The shack and wave goodbye to Jesse who heads back into the shack and continues to meditate. With new info about Ichigo... also Rukia heading closer to the research center will things look up for them as they continue to search for Chris Brian Alex Jaden and Hinata? We will find out soon enough in the Next Chapter...

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