New 5 Guys Coming To Middletown!

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Brandon: I heard from the grapevine, that a new 5 Guys is coming to Middletown!!

Iris: Where?! *eyes wide*

Brandon: South Main St, by McDonald's!! Where it meets up with Ward St! You know where that mini mart used to be!

Iris: Wow! *eyes still wide open*

Brandon: Yup!

Iris: *eyes still wide open*

Brandon: You can stop being surprised now, Iris.

Iris: I can't get them to close!!! *eyes still wide open* Somebody help!!! *trying to close them*

Ken: Time to go to the hospital!

Iris: No!!!!!

Radio: *playing I Really Mean It* Don't Go!

Ken: *takes a sobbing Iris out to his car*

Iris: *sobbing like the lady from the song as she is being taken out to the car*

Brandon: Hope she'll be okay. *apprehensive look*

This story was written on Thursday, April 6th, 2023.

A/N You heard it here first, fictional realm folks!! A new 5 Guys is coming here to Middletown, on South Main St!!! And, hopefully the doctors can fix Iris's eye problem! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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