Seth Has Sensitivity To Certain Sounds

6 3 13


Berlin Rd

Cromwell, Connecticut

Seth: *eating his Baconnator*

Man: *sneezes loudly*

Seth: *jumps* Jeez!!!

Arthur: You okay, Seth?

Seth: Yeah, I just have noise sensitivity. I can't stand certain sounds, as they trigger me.

Woman: *hacking cough*

Seth: *covers his ears*

Arthur: I'm sorry, pal.

Seth: I have autism.

Arthur: I won't treat you any different.

Seth: Thanks, Arthur. I always get judged for it.

Arthur: You shouldn't have to be.

Girl: *screaming and crying after spilling her drink*

Seth: Ugh! *covers his ears again and hums*

Mother: Stop that crying!!! You're making him nervous!

Arthur: At least someone cares.

Mother: *takes her crying child out of Wendy's*

Arthur: She's gone now, Seth.

Seth: Okay.

This story was written on Monday, April 17th, 2023.

A/N Seth cannot stand certain sounds, and he has autism. I totally feel for him. I can't stand those sounds either. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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