Kyle Please!

9 2 10

Kyle: I have 10 grandmothers!

Paul: No you don't! How can you have 10 grandmothers?

Kyle: They come from Kuwait!

Paul: *reproachfully* Kyle, we been through this! You're not Arabic!

Kyle: I have 10 more grandmothers from Iraq!

Paul: Stop!

Kyle: Sorry, Amir!

Paul: Kyle, I'm warning you!

Kyle: And I also have 34 sisters from Nepal!

Paul: I warned ya, Kyle! *beats up Kyle*

Kyle: *getting beat up*

Brandon: I would expect Steven to get beat up for this, but Kyle? Unbelievable!

Paul: *still beating up Kyle*

Kyle: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Thursday, April 20th, 2023.

A/N Kyle needs to cut it out! He doesn't have 10 grandmothers from Kuwait, or Iraq! Nor does he have 34 sisters from Nepal! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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