21: hi, bye, you, me

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[Yuna]: test test

[Yuna]: why does the hallway smell like shit

[Ryujin]: Someone threw up all of last night, I recommend you wear a mask when exiting your dorm because that stench has to be a hazard somewhere

[Minjeong]: Hasn't the janitors cleaned up the area already?

[Aeri]: Yeah but it still smells so foul out there😭😭😭

[Yves]: I haven't left my dorm room all day💀

[Yuna]: Guys we should all hang out

[Hyunjin]: when the hallways smell like doodoo? Absolutely not.

[Yuna]: come on it'd be fun

[Aeri]: don't we have training soon

[Yuna]: does it look like I really give a fuck

[Yves]: YOU will be running laps, WE will not

[Minjeong]: Championships are literally right around the corner


[Yuna]: Saturday we're going btw.

She's not sure how she found herself driving to the Yu's residence again.

It's only because Jimin promised her little brother that they'd hang out with him before the raven became busy with school and swim again.

But that means that Minjeong will finally get to meet Jimin's older brother, Taeyang. Jimin assured her that he was nice but it doesn't stop the fact that she was still meeting him—he was the raven's older brother after all.

Minjeong tries to distract herself, humming to the music that plays at medium level. She feels the raven's stare as she drives.

Jimin places a hand on her thigh. "You know I can always sense when you're nervous, right?"

The brunette chuckles nervously, tapping the wheel with her index fingers at a stop light. "Is it that obvious?" Minjeong asks.

The raven moves her hand up and down her thigh in attempt to calm her down. "You do little subtle movements when you're nervous, like run your thumb over my skin when we hold hands over and over. You tap the wheel with your fingers, and you have a certain look on your face." Jimin lists, causing Minjeong to let out a breath.

She hates how easy it is for the raven to read her. It always catches her off guard when Jimin notices the little things about her that usually no one else would.

Minjeong's heart beats a bit faster when she turns into the Yu's residence, not believing she was back to visit again. Turning off the car, the brunette steps out of the car, fixing her hair and wiping her hands against her jeans. She lifts her head, pushing up her glasses to find Jimin approaching her.

Jimin grabs her hands, meeting Minjeong's nervous eyes. "Hey, you've been here before. There's nothing you need to worry about. Okay?" The raven gives her a reassuring look before pressing a kiss onto her lips. "No matter what, I love you."

The brunette feels her nerves going away at Jimin's touch. She smiles at the raven, gently squeezing her hands. "I love you, too. Thank you."

Pulling Minjeong toward the front door, Jimin reaches to put in the key into the keyhole and turning to open the door. Almost immediately, Minjeong watches as a little boy runs up to them, arms opened wide.

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