You're Drunk Angel~

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I am so pished while writting this babes, tntduo for life baby!

Smut and angsty shit lol

Sorry I am genuinely so drunk
Don't mind the spelling I'm dyslexic asf and also very drunk~<3

Quackity sat at the casino wondering why everyone left him. Jshlatt is dead. Karl has forgotten. Sapnap had enough.
Was it his personality? Or his looks? Maybe it was the hideous scar that made it's home across his tanned face.
Whatever it was he didn't care, he simply just missed being loved.

While deep in thought he didn't notice the tall shadow figure that entered the casino that was basically a ghost town at this time. The figure sat next to the drunken duck and didn't dare say a word, until he eventually did of course.

"Quackity, my dearest Rival." Quackity knew that voice.

The duck had his head down looking at the pint of cinder that sat before him "Soot." He spoke trying to sound sober but fell flat. "What the fuck are you doing in my casino hm" he muttered venom dripping from his harsh words.
A hand made its way to the smaller shoulder.
"Relax ducky," he sighed with a grin "we both want the same thing."

"And that is?" The duck hybrid had a confused glare in his dark eyes
"We both want to forget, well that's at least what I'm assuming anyways." He spun slightly on the bar chair facing quackity more "Why else would the oh so successful Alex Quackity be sitting alone and depressed relying on alcohol to give him some form of stability. You want to forget something,..." He paused once he saw Alex had his full attention on him "or someone." He let the words fall on there own not feeling the need to put effort into it.

Quackitys face scrunched up, he was unsure if it was due to the sentence he allowed Wilbur to say or if it was the realisation that him, a smart well put together business man who run a country was drinking whatever he could get ahold of. At that moment it happened to be cider, vodka and whisky which as it sounded wasn't good to mix together. Quackity couldn't care any less in that exact moment.

Quackity chuckled slightly resting his head in his arms which were lazily slouched agenst the wooden bar that was lined with golden accents, he turned his head while it was resting there staring at Wilbur "You think you have me all figured out, don't you?" Quackity spoke softly his eyes trying to trace what facial expression wil was pulling yet to no avail it was un-readable.
Wilbur didn't respond but poured himself a double vodka and took a large swing of it whipping his mouth with the sleeve of the dirty muddy brown trench coat. Quackity lifted his head briefly but only to turn in the opposite direction of the ex president, as soon as his sight was away from the scruffy man he laid his head back down looking towards some empty gambling machines that were definitely rigged. Minutes passed without a word. Quackity would occasionally hear the sound of alcohol being poured into a glass and the sound of the bottle hitting the table but apart from that nothing. It was closing hours for the casino since it was only in early access and was merely a few months away from opening hours 24/7.
The early 3 am sky was turning a slightly lighter blue since it was summer meaning the sun was about to wake up and say hello to the world.

Quackity snapped his head around hearing Wilbur speak "I don't think I've got you figured out Quackity." Wilburs voice was hoarse as he spoke slowly feeling the alcohol go through his system. A strong hand gripped Quackity's jaw pulling him close their alcoholic breaths intertwined, lips inches apart, lust in Wilburs eyes.
"I know I've got you figured out." His gaze never left the shorter males.

Quackity was stuck in place. The strong grip on his jaw loosened but was still tight. Crimson red dusted his cheeks as his breath hitched loving the feeling of being touched since it had been awhile since somebody used force in a way that wasn't abusive or violent but instead passionate. "Wil...bur" he cut himself off mid sentence as he flickered his eyes from the brits lips to his chocolate brown eyes.
Wilbur leaned in even closer yet not close enough for their lips to make contact.

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