Short Kiss, Long Run

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Revivebur was sat directly opposite to Quackity. Their eyes locked on eachothers in some sadistic staring contest which allowed blinking.
Silence surrounded them keeping them locked in deeper into this trance.
Until, Wilbur decided to break this silence.

"Quackity," he started his sentence while never averting his gaze.
"I reckon you asked me here for another reason than a quick meal and a catch up." He briefly broke eye contact to look over at his trench coat which was draped across a spare chair on the other side of the now empty casino.

A small smug tugged to Quackity's lips, clearly he enjoyed the fact he won the unofficial staring contest, but he was also amused by Wilbur's intelligence that as persual shined like a bright star. Wilbur was always one for using his brain over brawn, it really showed looking back on his past during the L'manberg era. That's not to say he never fought, infact, He had a hunger for power and leadership. To earn that title he'd have to win it over through force by defeating his opponents.

"You've always been too smart for your own good, Soot." He sighed playfully but regained his stern composure after looking back into the olders eyes.
"Fine, yeah. You got me." He stood up then walked over to Wilbur's side of the table. He stood behind him, his hands gripped Wilbur's shoulders while he leaned down closer...his lips grazed the half dead man's ear causing Wilbur to shiver. Yet, he didn't dare move until Quackity spoke.
"Look...or, don't look. Just listen."

Wilbur swallowed harshly. He looked at the mostly eaten plate of food infront of him. All that was left was a few peas and carrots, along with a grime untouched tea Quackity's chef's had went overboard with milk and suger with.
That's when he felt a dainty hand softly wrap around his neck urging him to tilt his head up and slightly to the side to meet Quackity's hungry gaze. It made no sense. Quackity had just eaten a meal with him yet looked like a lion tracking his next meal with his teeth baring out, eyes lazar focused on the succulent meat teasing him.
But maybe, just maybe, Quackity didn't want to eat food. Maybe he wanted to Wilbur. He was already devouring him with his eyes alone, no teeth involved. Yet.

The air they shared felt too thick to be breathable at this point. The scent of lust was practically drawing them closer by the millisecond.

Wilbur had be so lost in his rivals eyes he hadn't noticed how close they'd gotten. It was like some awkward dance between them 24/7. They'd fight, yet the old sensual tension from their passed was a constant reminder of no matter how much they claimed to hate each other they were one in the same. Both as broken and fucked up as each other. Both drawn together by insecurity and resentment.

Quackity's hand had squeezed the tallers neck before moving upwards to Wilbur's chin. He suddenly moved in closer. The only sound being their hot pants and breathes.


Those words. No hate was attached to them for once. Just pure need and want.

Wilbur wasn't in a position to deny such a pretty boy, now was he? I mean, he too wanted to be closer with him.

"Yes? What does my handsome littl-"

Quackity shut him up with a swift kiss. His lips were forced against the others. Quackity's were hot and smooth, Wilbur's were freezing, lifeless and chapped. They even had dried blood on them which Quackity didn't care about, instead he kept the kiss going on longer.

Wilbur melted at this sensual experience. He moved into a more comfortable position so he could pull the small man onto his lap. He gripped Quackity's waist, pulling away from the kiss and ignoring the saliva trail that followed their parted lips. He attempted to pull him ontop of his lap by gripping his hips ans bringing him in but Quackity stopped him.

"Ha...yeah, no." He moved back.

Wilbur felt instantly annoyed.
"Oh you fucking tease." He tried to get up but Quackity had pushed him back down to the chair. In the midst of this he stole Wilbur's round red tinted glasses and put them on giggling and backing up.
"Give them back, Q..." He muttered while a small smile played on his lips. He liked this little game...

He giggled while backing up more, he pushed the glasses up higher on his nose bridge.
"Come get them, Soot."

And so the chase had begun. Quackity running around the casino like a mad man while laughing his ass off, followed by a smiling Wilbur playing in the game of cat and mice as the predator chasing his meal for tonight.

Sorry for the short chapter:)

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