Back So Soon? Q!TNTDUO

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Hello! This chapter has taken a mighty long time to write, I didn't mean to be distant and I've been trying to interact with everyone since we have grown so much! When I started writing this chapter we only had like 100 reads? Currently at the time of writing we have passed a thousand reads, That is beyond incredible! I am so greatful and I myself don't feel as if I deserve such an honour.
I love everyone so much!

Anyways I should clear up some stuff about this chapter incase in confuses anyone.

For Tilín I use She/They/He pronouns, that is since Quackity mostly uses he/him (sometimes she/they) and Tilín told Slime that she was a girl, Quackity and a few others have called Tilín son or daughter when referring to them and personally I can't decide so I'm choosing all<3
If your mad by this.....................
y'know they are pixel eggs?

Also Gonna add the fact while writting this I got drunk 5 separate times😭

Enjoy my friends!


☆~4 weeks ago~☆

"Qsmp huh?" The words slipped from his mouth as he stepped off the platform the gust of wind from the train going by blowed his loose hair that stuck out from under the beanie to the side. His face formed a smile as he grabbed his two suitcases and made his way towards a map that was conveniently placed in the center of the station for all too see. Once in close proximity of the map he dropped his luggage to his side and carefully looked at the massive map.

"Lets see" His finger skimmed along the map looking at all the options for him to vist. It soon dawn on him that there wasn't alot of options, Quackity did infact know this was a small island but he didn't think it would be this small.
Anxiety took over to some extent.
'Where will I go?' He only saw 5 buildings on the entire island, them being a shop, a massive electricity generator, a small hospital which was clearly not big enough for more than 3 people at once, a community center and last but not least the very train station he was currently stood in.

Quackity knew he should've checked for more information before moving here yet he was filled with so much excitement he couldn't wait to just move! Before he arrived here he originally stayed in a city named 'Las Nevadas'. It was a city of lights, gambling, drugs and drink. Basically the average junkies dream.
Quackity hated how depressing that hell hole was.

It looked fun from the outside but that was all an illusion, the city of light wasn't as bright as you may think, infact it was a dark and dreadful place filled to the brim of saddo's who had long before given up buried alive in debt and the overwhelming demands of their family life that was practically already down the drain. Even just trying to walk down the road to clear your mind you'd be met with men in their mid 40's-50's crying realising the life of a gambler was a loosing game.
As the famous quote goes
"The House Always Wins". It didn't differ depending on the person, the quote always stood.

As soon as Quackity got enough money he looked online and came across an Ad for a small island. He clicked on the advertisement and the screen was filled by a mascot with a tropical beach background which was clearly green screened in. The mascot was a duck with a human shaped body...
'weird...' Quackity's face cringed as he thought to himself but nevertheless continued watching and soon enough his eyes became fixated on what the duck had to offer. It was beautiful.
A quite island with a little amount of people yet he didn't mind that factor.
It took very little to convince the raven haired boy to book the train ticket off to his soon to be home and that night he started packing since he was going as soon as possible, that being the next again morning.

TNTDUO/QUACKBUR ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now