
455 8 16

I drank too kcuh...sorry

"Wilbur?" Alex whispered while drunk. He had been on the cider while Wilbur drank straight vodka. Both men were snuggled up on the sofa while watching some stupid cartoon. They mocked the logic in talking animals and weird events happening in the show.

Wilbur turned to his lover, "Hm? What's up my dearest?" He mocked his own British accent by making it sound over the top.

"I want a quick kiss..." a smile tugged at Wilbur's lips as he heard Alex speak so carefree.

"You sure?"

Alex nodded fast, the alcohol was making him think out of pocket. He wanted his lover to kiss him, hopefully bring him back down to earth and ground him amongst the alcohol pumping through his system.

Wilbur smil3d widely before leaning in closer. His hot breath fanned against Alex's face, "Babe," he started before looking him in the eyes intensely. "I adore you..."
Alex was caught off by Wilbur's sudden affection. It was strange, but definitely sweet. A smile played on his face.

"Love you too..."

Wilbur loved that response. He leaned in to press a soft gentle kiss upon his lovers eager lips. Alex accepted the kiss happily, even wrapping his arms wound Wilbur's neck to pull him in. He tasted Wilbur's vodka stained lips against his own cider tainted ones.

They were close, drunk yes, but close.

Not my best work.d runk beyond belif and HIGHHH wooooooo...yeah, night.

TNTDUO/QUACKBUR ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now