Oh, Mr.President...(2)

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Part 2 to Mr President :3

Afternoon friends. It's been a bit and I assure you I'll explain what's been happening at the end of this chapter since I don't want to do too many A/N's. Anyways, enjoy!


Days had past and nothing. Wilbur was sure his friend had either been killed or silenced by the man even he somewhat feared, the man being Jschlatt, of course.

Wilbur had pondered if he should go and find Quackity and try save him like the hero he thought himself of, yet, 3 days had passed and he was still stuck in the drab cold room he had craved out in the bleak ravine he lead his troops into stay after they were exiled. Wilbur was acting agitated as each day passed according to people like Tommy, even though the kid would normally spout some useless junk he was right with this. Wilbur was beyond agitated. His mind wondered the damaged walls as he begun to make shapes with his mind. His eyes traced each crack the stone showed as he tried to distract himself from the small man that had infiltrated his thought process.

A pathetic groan had by passed his lips as he gave up and allowed his anxiety to take lead.

'What if Quackity was in danger?'

'What if Quackity was badly hurt?'

'What if Quackity was killed.'

He remembered why he tried to not let his mind go wild. This was why. He would panic about situations he didn't even know the full story to which would lead to an unfortunate panic attack so painful it would physically break him into tears.

His breathing got heavier by the second, his eyes felt like weights were attached to them making it hard to see straight. He sat down clumsily against the brutally cold stone walls, his fingers danced along the excess ruble near his feet as he curled up into a ball, trying to protect himself from...himself, funnily enough. Yet, no matter what you do in life hiding won't make it disappear and the ex-president obviously knew this yet in his panicked state he couldn't comfort himself, if he did it would end worse, he'd probably do something he'd one day regret, like blowing up his own nation, something silly like that.

Maybe he should just run in and stab Jschlatt with a sword.
Maybe he should hide outside the Whitehouse and plan an ambush and shoot an arrow through the black heart that beast owned.
Maybe he should prepare a delightful poisonous meal or slip something in his alcoholic choice of beverage.
Maybe he shou-

"Will?...you alright?"

A simple angelic voice spoke, concern laced her voice as she delivered her simple sentence. The voice snapped the man out his slightly sadistic thoughts and forced his mind to focus on the women that proudly wore the uniform of her country she was fighting to get back with her leader and other soldiers.

"Niki..h-help.." His voice cracked shamefully loud as he extended his left arm to the light that came from the open door where the women was stood. Niki's face made an expression of sadness which caused Wilbur to feel a pang of anger. He didn't want to be pitted by his own troops, he was their leader! Their president! He had to stay strong...if he couldn't keep his emotions in tack and under control...how could he lead a nation? How could he be what they needed if he wasn't what he needed.

Niki walked over quietly and crouched down to his side, she let her arm slide around Wilbur's shoulders and pulled him inwards for an embrace, hoping to comfort the distressed leader. Wilbur at first reluctantly hugged back but soon found comfortable and let himself relax into the hug as the women's fingers laced through his tangled and gunpowdered covered hair. She smiled softly and hummed a quiet melody, Wilbur didn't know what she was humming but it soothed him and allowed his brain to take a break and focus on the pace of her hums.

TNTDUO/QUACKBUR ONESHOTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora