Safe Space

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Quick Fluff to lighten the mood. Don't be toxic in my comments and don't bring up what's happening. I'm not ignoring it, it's just extremely stressful and I want to comfort people for the time being.

Ghostbur and Quackity Fluff everyone!!! Ignore my shit spelling I've not spell checked. Enjoy!


Ghostbur often had thoughts about his past life when he walked with the living instead of amongst. The poor ghost was either treated like a child who knew next to nothing or he was spoken to like a ticking time bomb on the verge of exploding. Ghostbur hated it.
Some people genuinely would treat him no better than a fetus. They'd talk down to him. They'd never fully tell him blatantly what his living self done. They'd dance around serious topics like he understood nothing.

The pale transparent ghost walked around the server by himself. He left his little sewer with his sheep friend inside during the middle of the night. He'd been walking- or floating, for a few hours. He had no destination in mind nor a proper thought. His white eyes that constantly cried blue leaked a trail along the dirty old wood of the infamous prime path as the sun started it's daily cycle of rising above the land to shine down on whoever walked into the light. His sweater that was coloured a pale yellow was stained a vibrant lapis lazuli blue along the chest area in a slash like shape. Ghostbur didn't know why he looked like this. In every Polaroid of his past self it never once showed a large cut across the chest. He wondered where it came from but nobody dared to bring it up, swiftly shutting down that conversation whenever it even slightly got mentioned.

The transparent man looked up at the sky seeing clouds overhead start to appear. Though he should be fearing this since water melts him he chose to ignore it and continued to walk aimlessly, even passing Tommy's home. He didn't bother to wake up his 'brother'...Even though Tommy barely saw the ghost as Wilbur, he liked to call them brothers since Ghostbur was apparently nicer than Wilbur according to literally everyone.

As he floated his mind strangely started to go even mkre blank. The word felt as if it was crashing apon him. You see, he had been having these dreams. The dreams would consist of his past self during the months leading up to November 16th. He would see Wilbur yelling at his troops or speaking to Tommy while reading on a horse back avoiding arrors as they were chased out of the land which they once owned. Ghostbur was non the wiser to these being flashbacks and not just dreams of him trying to fill in the blanks of why everyone hated his past self.

That's when he felt a hot splash against his hand. He let out a confused hum before Turing his attention to the sky. He hadn't realised how dark it had gotten until he saw the grey clouds on the verge of crying down rain against the land. Panic had set in as a few droplets splashed infront of him turning the wood a darker brown. Ghostbur backed up while looking around. He noticed there wasn't particularly anywhere to hide.

The ghost hissed when another few droplets burned his transparent body. Normally he'd be in his sewer when it rained or he'd have someone like Tommy to help him out when this happened...but he didn't have that right now. He was alone in a pretty open area thanks to his mindless adventures. He mentally cursed himself in a child friendly sorta way.

The rain began to pour down from the clouds onto the poor ghost. He had tried to float off to find help but his yells for help fell on death ears.

"heLP!!!" He called out desperately. His body felt as if it was covered in gasoline then set aflame. The blue tears fell faster while his ghostly breathes had picked up. The feeling of pain against his chest and face felt excruciatingly agonising. He cried out while his pale fingers clutched the sweater but this act had only started to burn his hands due to the fact his sweater had been absorbing the rain water causing him to burn all over his waist, chest and back.

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