Take Me Like A Drug You Addict.

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Is that smut I hear? >;)

!!THIS IS NOT RELATED TO LAST CHAPTER BTW!! this is completely different even though it's still C!tntduo <3

I wrote this very quickly and didn't look over for errors. If there's a spelling mistake please excuse it I've been having a rough time and just wanted to write.

Warnings for todays chapter:
Drunk/high/weird consent (NOT R×PE THO)
Public sex
Shitty writing



The barin desert was a sight Wilbur had gotten used to seeing almost daily by now. Each day he'd walk across this fake desert, which was actually a grassy field before the big business man himself decided his city would only be better if it was surrounded by sand. In Wilbur's opinion, that was stupid. The sand was annoying to walk through, especially when he was wearing his black leather low doc martens.

Besides that, the point was he'd adjusted to walking through the sandy plains each day until he'd as always see the tall needle building in sight. Bingo. It was officially his favourite time of the day, and quite possibly the one thing keeping him alive currently.

He strolled through right on into the city. The guards seemed to be too distracted about the news of a prison break at Pandoras vault? Wilbur wasn't completely listening since he had a job to do. It was only around 7 PM, the hot summer sun was blazing down on the poor citizens, especially on the 6'6 man in the trench coat, yellow sweater, black jeans and leather shoes topped with a redish maroon beanie. Wilbur, no matter the weather would never change his attire since in his words, 'You've got to be memorable in some way. If people know your story they'll remember who you are, so dress like it.' Saying it outloud made Wilbur seem almost intelligent, but saying it in your head over and over it seems to make less sense.

One hand dug into the pocket of his used trench coat. He pulled out a box of cigarettes and a grey zippo lighter. After placing a cigarette to his lips he flipped open the smooth boxed shaped lighter to light his cigarette before burying the lighter and cigarette packet back to where he reached for it.
He inhaled the smoke, keeping it in his lungs for a few seconds before releasing it into the Las Nevadas city skyline.

Around an hour had passed and Wilbur felt a touch of concern. The man he was here to 'meet' hadn't showed up, or just been around at all. Wilbur hadn't been told to leave since he was still roaming the streets.
'I should try the casino?' He thought to himself while he walked closer to the big white building that had a massive neon sign outside which was practically yelling the word "CASINO!" With how obnoxiously blinding the lights on it were. Despite him despising the desperate attempt to get people to throw away their money and life into this scam with marking and a pretty bow ontop, he entered.

The casino was packed, just as Wilbur had suspected. What he didn't expect was how well put together and designed it was. Sure, the marketing strategy outside with the big lights and countless advertising was overwhelming to say the least, but he slightly understood as to why now.
A gorgeous circular diamond chandelier hung in the center of the room, and around it was tons of mini chandeliers. The walls were painted a creamy beige colour and the floor was a dark royal red with a massive lighter red rug down the middle. There was a bar which had any drink you could've dreamt of. Slot machines, pocket tables, pool tables and tables for card games were littered throughout the massive building. This place was eye candy to a gambler...or maybe just to Wilbur.

TNTDUO/QUACKBUR ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now