The auther be speaking🗣

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So, Wilbur posted his response.
Here it is,

 Here it is,

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I didn't think I'd make a response after the other one but here I go

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I didn't think I'd make a response after the other one but here I go.

Okay, first things first. I do agree the "apology" needs more added on. If Wilbur speaks about this more on let's say a stream or even another tweet my opinion will change more positively (obviously depending on how good it was.)

I think the response was mature but heavily lacking in some departments. If Wilbur genuinely doesn't want to be seen as an awful guy he needs to say more than a few paragraphs. Seeing creators in the comments not show support towards him should hopefully wake him up to do a new tweet tommorw about this and I'm praying he does more.

On the therapy part I thought this was a step in the right direction. He's trying to better himself and get help. That's extremely good!!!

Like I said, I genuinely hope he just does better in the upcoming few days and addresses it further since twitter is ripping him to shreds.

As for this book and my work I will still be continuing. I support Shelby and don't hate Wilbur.

I will still be doing the one-shot, my side project and my main project focused on C!Wilbur/Tntduo. If you disagree or don't like my choice that's 100% valid and take care of yourself. But I will be still doing this as I am hyperfixated on TNTduo/Wilbur/Lovejoy and a hyperfixation is hard to just give up like that. I was the same when I was a Dream Stan. I like to wait until both sides have spoken or until its calmed down more then I'll try latch off into another fixation if I can.

Anyway, please do NOT for the love of good send death threats to ANYONE. The amount of death threats or doing I've seen is wild and pathetic. Share love, be kind, wait for more on an explanation.

Sleep well and please don't bother me about this as it is extremely triggering for me. Thanks Xox

 Thanks Xox

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Update, this is Milo a few weeks later. Basically, I'm completely on the WSS side (WilburSupportSquad.) I don't agree with Shelby for many reasons. The reason I said I supported her in this was due to being scared of backlash. But, since I've seen others speak up I might as well state my true opinions.

Do I think Wilbur was a bad boyfriend at times? Yes.

Do I think Wilbur abused her? No.

Shelby has blocked people who ask for proof. She's blocked people who are telling her about the kids who've killed themselves due to her fans words. She blocks people who are simply neutral. I cannot stand by that. 5 people have killed themselves due to her and her fans actions and words. I do not support her.

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