Cuddle Break?

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Drunk while writting this...dude I'm a fucking alcoholic I swear-

Anyways quick fluff since I'm struggling to put out content! (Yes I only wrote this 30 minutes ago, feel free to point and laugh)


"Duckkkyyy, I just want a hug!" A whine was dragged out the older lips as he stood there stupidly with his arms out widely wishing his boyfriend would accept and give him attention.

"Wilbur. I'm extremely in over my head with paper work that I need to file by tomorrow or else the residents of Las Nevadas are going to fucking kill me!" He didn't look at Wilbur, only the task at hand. "They have been begging me to sign this paper to install new shops and little markets on the left side of my country for a few months now. Fuckers are too lazy to travel too the main lands of the Dream Smp to get food." The Hispanic man was clearly tired and lacked sunlight, nutrients and the obvious one being sleep.

Wilbur walked over to the working man's desk placing his arm down in a straight line looking into Quackity's eyes smirking before sliding his arm across the messy desk knocking everything off in one fast motion.

Wilbur's smirk soon fell when he saw the anger and disappointment in his partner's eyes. Soon Quackity's head dropped making him hit it painfully off the dark brown desk, he didn't care for the pain, he just wanted the stress to leave. "Will. I can't be fucked with your bullshit right now. Why can't you honestly go fuck off? I'm clearly busy, you obviously can see that, yet you choose to make things harder for me?"
He took a long frustrated sigh before speaking again, "Sometimes I wonder what I see in you.."

He lifted his head at the last part not meaning to say such cruel words to his lover. He was met with a heartbreaking sight. Wilbur had his mouth agape, he looked as pale as paper like he'd just seen L'manberg get exploded for the 3rd time. His eyes looked dull yet also full of sadness and pain.

Quackity stuttered out a sentence "Wilbur, wait- th-that came out so very wrong..I should have phrased it... differently?"

Wilbur's sadness had turned more aggressive hearing that "differently? What do you actually stand by those words?" He backed up slightly nearing the door.

"What? No, no honey..." Quackity got out his chair leaving it to spin slowly. He tried to grab Wilbur's hand but was swatted away by the other.
"Mi Amor, I'm sorry. I've been so stressed recently, I know that's no excuse for what I said, that was completely uncalled for from me, but I would like you to understand that I do love you. But, Amor, I do have a job."

Wilbur's face had softened hearing those sickly sweet nicknames that Quackity only used during special occasions. The smaller tried to link hands again and unlike last time he got a positive response. Their hands rested in each others happily.

"Wilbur just know that I will always love and care for you, okay? I may get blindsided sometimes but I really do appreciate you and I'm glad i-im yours" Quackity was brought into a short hug only to be swept off his feet soon being carried bridal style out of his office, he let his arms go around his carriers neck, nuzzling into the touch.

Soon they reached their shared bedroom and he was rested down on a bed. "Quackity, may we cuddle now?" Quackity laughed at his puppy eyes and desperation, nodding allowing Will to get cozy next to him.

Wilbur got next to him and crawled over soon settling down on his chest. He wrapped his arms around the raven haired mans waist.
They both laied there looking at one another lovingly, Wilbur would even place some sweet kisses all over his face making him giggle happily. Maybe he should take more breaks off work...

Wilbur started to place kisses all over his neck, he gripped onto Quackity's waist so he couldn't escape. "Wilbur- sTOp- ThAT TICkleS!" He squirmed about under his grasp while laughing uncontrollably.

Wilbur stopped and grabbed Quackity's face softly, "darling, oh how I've missed this," One kiss was placed on his rough lips,

", you're always so busy now,"
two kisses

", I couldn't bare another morning waking up with you gone,"
Three kisses

", I couldn't bare another day of waiting for you to return at midnight only to fall asleep,"
Four kisses

", Fundy and Charlie don't allow me in to see you while your working,"
Five kisses

", I had to sneak past them, almost got caught. Worth it,"
Six kisses

", please just come home more..."
Seven kisses

", I'll be a better boyfriend! We can cuddle more,"
Eight kisses

"I-I'll get better with communicating and learn how to cook, I know you don't allow me too after I almost burnt the house down cooking pasta- B-bUT I'll change!,"
Nine kisses

"Please Alex, I really missed giving my heart and soul too you. I really love you"
Ten kisses.

Quackity felt like tearing up, he didn't know this was how Wilbur felt. Probably because he didn't get home till Wilbur was asleep either in their bed or passed out on the couch obviously waiting for him to arrive home but couldn't stay up any longer. He felt absolutely dreadful.

"Wilbur, baby, I'm so fucking sorry...I'll make more time, I promise"
Wilbur's eyes lit up, Quackity swore he could see stars in them!

"Pinky promise?"

"Wil- Your a 26 year old man who died, came back to life, is one of the most feared men in existence, there's no way in hell I'm doing a pinky promise." He laughed while Wilbur had pleading eyes

"Ducky pretty, pretty, PRETTY pleaseeee!"

How in XD's name could he say no to such an adorable sight? His boyfriend begging him to be around more, thats far beyond couple goals. Thats life goals! "Oh my fucking god you suck! Fine!" Wilbur celebrated bringing his right hand up bending all his fingers except his pinky. Quackity done the same but with his left hand.
Both pinkys wrapped around each other. Just like that, the promise was made.

They both had genuine smiles painted on their faces accepting each other body heat and getting comfortable. "You're learning too much of Tommy" he closed his eyes leaning in closer to Wilbur as he replaced his hands on his waist making the younger ever more comfortable.

"I was about to ask 'is that a bad thing?' And then I remembered we're talking about Tommyinnit here" one of his hands rested on Quackity's beanie soon taking it off, then returning his hand to the top of his head lightly playing with his jet black hair.
", anyways, you need some rest. Please relax, I'll help you with your work once you've gotten a full 9 hours of rest."

"Thanks, Will"

"No problem, Darling. Sleep well, Love"


Extremely quick chapter since the original 'quick chapter' I was going to publish got put on hold, plus the thing I was writing about I feel as if I didn't do it very well. It felt too insensitive so I'm going to re-write that.

Sorry about the lack off smut!!! Just wanted some cuteness today!

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