Birthday Boy's Special Present

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Hey, guess what? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I am 16 today and my present to you Is a chapter, the only gift I want from yous is to make you smile with this stupid chapter. (I am British and this'll be released at midnight meaning it will be the 21st, aka my day of birthd :P)


The sound of faint sobs could be heard from the run down home that was broken and covered in vines. The sobs sounded not so painful, just extremely sad and pathetic. Inside the messy house was a small duck hybrid boy with black hair and an iconic dark blue beanie. He sat on a 'bed', which in reality was a mattress ontop of four concrete cinder blocks, it was uncomfortable to say the least.

The boy cried, then cried, then cried. He couldn't stop. Today was supposed to be a big day for him. Today was his 23rd birthday! He was supposed to celebrate with friends ans people he considered family since his real family weren't in the picture.
He imagined a party with all the people he cared about. He even planned out a small ofrenda for his son who was taken too early from the hands of a simple misclick. He missed his dearest child, Tilín. His little angel was now watching above. Quackity found a new love for El Día De Los Muertos, also known as Day Of The Dead.

Yet, there was no cake, no shrine or party. Just Quackity alone with his suffocating thoughts.

The duck hybrid covered his body protectively with his wings, almost trying to hide his feelings from the empty room that stared back at him blankly. He felt no pride in this accomplishment of turning 23. He only felt anger and jealousy bubble up inside him.
Why did other people get a good party and not him? It was unfair! He tried his best. He tried to make friends. He tried to be a dad. However, life had other plans for Quackity. His end goal in life was to make it through a day without wanting to rip every feather off his golden yellow wings. Seemed impossible.

It was around 8 pm. The supposed gorgeous sunset, which happened to be covered by the cloudly sky blocking the veiw, had set along time ago. The chilly crisp winter air seeped through the cracks in his broken shelter causing the duck to shiver at the brutal touch of winter. Quackity sniffled. He genuinely thought at least one person would atleast say 'Happy Birthday Quackity!', but it had been hours. Nobody travelled at night, especially not to send someone a stupid happy birthday message. Why risk your life to say three simple words. It simply wasn't worth it.

Quackity looked at the dying candle that was placed on his kitchen counter...and idea sparked to mind. If nobody would throw him a party wy not throw himself a party! The idea seemed a hard task, especially due to how late it was and the little resources he had to play with. But, then again, what's the hurt in trying.

Banners made out of paper and old crayons mixed with drying out pens ended up making an, although hideous, 'happy birthd' banner...he didn't have enough room for the whole word, nonetheless, it was a banner. He hung it up using some crooked nails he ripped out his walls, ignoring the safety hazard in doing so. With a little help from his wings he was able to hang it up over the front of his house, that's where his little party was being held.

Next, he moved onto baking the cake. He didn't have the ingredients so he settled for rice cakes with oatmeal in between the layers, coated with mkre oatmeal and some fruit ontop. It didn't look particularly appealing, it was even lopsided on the verge of toppling over, but he made it. So it was something at the end of the day.

After using an old bedsheet for a picnic blanket, that had holes in it, and then making a campfire with the broken cabinet drawers ripped apart and placed into a ditch, he smiled.
Yes, it looked appalling, some may even say an insult to birthday culture. But, Quackity smiled. This was what he had to play with, and somehow he made something oddly monumental.

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