Quickly, Mr.President! (1)

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Quick chapter, working on more stuff and this has been in my drafts for awhile!
This is based from the pogtopia era!

This chapter will contain:
Cheating (?)
The abuse of alcohol
Mentions drug usage
Suicidal thoughts


"Ohhh pumpkin, where is that flat ass of your's anyways?" That dreaded voice rang dangerously throughout the empty halls of the white house, the shadow of a devil followed his life form.

It was expected at this point. Schlatt couldn't help but gloat over the fact this country was now his, despite everyone regretting their vote, and got completely shit faced on alcohol, as always. This time drugs as well, a not so common substance Schlatt would abuse yet today his pride got the better of him. He still felt proud he kicked out the ex-president and his 'little runt of a brother' quoting his own words.

Quackity sat on his and Schlatt's shared bed waiting for the drunken ram to come in, get infuriated by something stupid, then take out all his anger on him. This cycle would happen often. All he could do was prepare for the worst and hope Schlatt would just pass out due to lack of energy instead. Sadly, Quackity knew this probably wasn't going to be the case tonight since Schlatt wasn't in the best of moods earlier since Tubbo failed trying to capture Tommy after he was seen trying to steal some food and resources from his old home.

It was easy to tell nobody wanted to hurt each other. Tubbo was clearly hurt that he had to go against Wilbur and Tommy, Tubbo saw them as family at the end of the day.

Heavy footsteps got closer to the bedroom door, Quackity let out a shakey exhale gripping onto the bed sheets practically praying mentally at this stage, yet no miracle happened. Just the sound of a door hitting the wall after being swung open aggressively.

A hoarse voice called out, "Theeere's my suuuger-spicee!~" The presidents coat was draping off his shoulders making him look scruffy and a mess. He walked over to Quackity taking a seat next to him then grabbing his chin with a strong grip bringing their lips close, the smaller cringed at the dreadful smell of alcohol coming from the ram. Quackity tried to pull back not wanting to be near his soon to be husband.
"Oh, oh, oh, pumpkin." He clicked his tounge doing a little sing song voice, "that's a bad boy, Alex." Hearing his real name fall from his lips felt wrong. Quackity wished he could erase his own name from Schlatt's vocabulary just so he didn't have to hear it again.
Schlatt took note of his lack of response and decided to aggressively push him backwards, doing this Quackity hit his head slightly. He hissed at the pain, they really need to get a new headboard, One that isn't so hard.

"Schlatt...please, I'm so tired.." was all he could mutter avoiding Schlatt's judgmental gaze. He really was tired, not just physical but more mentally. He was done with the abuse.
Quackity's eyes started to shut. He was to drain to try argue.

A loud smack was emitted and pain followed suit. Quackity's hand grabbed his cheek where the slap was landed, his cheek felt raw and hot. It stung like a bitch.

"Please...not tonight..." begging felt useless. He couldn't cry, he tried yet nothing would escape. He practically gave up then and there crumbling under Schlatt's rulership.
Schlatt only smiled sinfully. At this point his slightly tanned skin would be painted purple and blue, maybe even some red if Schlatt beat him that badly that blood would spill, sometimes he wished he just got beaten to the brink of death. Who would care? His friends?The only friends he once had he betrayed to become Schlatt's little bitchboy.

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