New Year, New Kiss.

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I'm drunk 😭

Happy new years!

Smut and angst??


Quackity watched as the members of Las Nevadas prepared for New Year's. It was New Year's Eve for the land of the Dream Smp, but Las Nevadas were behind on the festivities since Christmas was already so tight cut. Quackity wanted people from all across the server to see his fantastic fireworks display he planned to put on. Only problem was, nobody knew how to make a massive bang. The fireworks they made then tested were small and not very entertaining. Quackity, feeling frustrated started to snap at Foolish.

"You're supposed to be the man I go to if I need help!" His voice was raised elevating the anger to a whole other level. Foolish sighed. He had felt with the small man's insults before, but normally Quackity would walk off and get Slime to deliver an apology letter later on. But, Quackity seemed so caught up in this useless argument.

Foolish sighed, "Look, dude. I'm trying my gosh-dang best but this isn't my strong point. I'm a builder, not some explosive technological genius." The man who looked like a totem spoke, he was near his wits end.
"Go find someone who knows how to use gunpowder or explosives." Foolish had stormed away to go back to decorating with Fundy.

Quackity was in shock. "Què coño?" The words fell underneath his breath. He thought about Foolish's words while he stared at the fireworks. All of a sudden, a man sparked to mind. A man who knew how to use gunpowder better than anyone else.

The duck hybrid soon found himself knocking, or should I say pounding, on the steal door infront of him. He hit it with some temper as he saw it was around midday and he was already running out of time.
"Hey! Open up!" His voice was demanding like a child wanting candy after being told no.
Soon, a groggy man dressed in a loose shirt and dirty sweatpants opened the door. He yawned and looked a mess, especially with his hair all over the place. He slowly moved his attention towards the short man,

"Alex?" His voice was soft yet raspy, making it clear he had just awoke and was wanting to know why the short man was pounting on his caravan.
It looked like Wilbur was about to say more but was abruptly interrupted.

"Do you know how to make a big bang?" His wording was a bit wrong but he was sure Wilbur wasn't stupid enough to think he was talking about tnt and L'manber-

"Darling, I blew up a fucking nation." The tall man rested his arm against the door frame, tilting his head while wearing a smug grin. "Of course I know how to make a big bang."

Quackity groaned loudly, "Not like that you fuckwit!"

"Like in bed? Oh, I'm great at making a big bang in the bedro-" He was slapped across the face which caused him to stumble backwards while clutching the slapped skin which had turned red raw.
He turned back to Quackity with a shocked face which melted into a smile. "I'm a masochist, dear." Quackity just groaned. He wasn't in the mood.

"Fireworks, Will. Do you know how to make fireworks." Wilbur was about to speak but was once again cut off, "and not little whimpy ones like everyone else's. I mean like big ones...ones to leave you in sheer awe and admiration." He sighed. "Can you do it?"

Wilbur thought for a minute, then nodded. "Well- yeah. I can. During the L'manberg festival-" Quackity's face scrunched up at the mention of that day. "-I learnt how to make fireworks after watching everyone making them. I started to experiment after I saw how deadly they could be. I wanted to use them as a weapon to hurt Schlatt after he..." Wilbur paused. Tubbo had be hurt that day. He was injured by fireworks which left the small boy with a nasty face scar which would never fully go away. He paused since he didn't want to upset Quackity. Quackity and Schlatt were Tubbo's parents and that festival fucked them all up.
Wilbur just coughed. "But yeah...I started seeing what I could do and I accidentally learnt how to make some pretty cool fireworks." He said with a smile, then when still faced. "Get me the resources and I might do it...for a price, of course."

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