Chapter 53

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Just as Shen Jue was starting to have doubts, the group led by Shen Qiqi had already descended from the barren mountains.

Due to Liu Shuang's injury, the three of them had to slow down their pace and move forward slowly. Fortunately, time passed quickly in this area, and the hot environment gradually cooled down as the sun set. Walking on foot was not too unbearable.

In the distance, the sky was adorned with thick, soft clouds that seemed to be painted with a rich golden-red color. It was peaceful and tranquil. Occasionally, flocks of birds would fly over the clouds and emit a few loud chirps.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a loud "grumble" sound.

The three of them paused and stopped in their tracks.

Liu Shuang and Zhao Ke looked towards the source of the sound involuntarily.

Shen Qiqi blinked at them and a shy smile spread across her cheeks as she whispered, "Hehe... I'm a bit hungry." She had been busy rescuing her Senior sister and had almost forgotten that she hadn't eaten lunch and had gone without food until now.

Zhao Ke was taken aback, "I almost forgot that the Junior sister hasn't even reached puberty yet. She must be starving."

Shen Qiqi waved her hand, "It's not that bad." The physique of a cultivator was more resistant to hunger than that of an ordinary person, so I had only just started to feel a bit hungry.

Liu Shuang looked at her, slightly furrowing her brows, "You've been hungry for so long, why didn't you say something earlier?"

"I forgot," Shen Qiqi replied.

Liu Shuang's expression was incredulous, "How could you forget?"

Feeling her concern from Liu Shuang's serious tone, Shen Qiqi couldn't help but wrap her arm around her and chuckled, "Sorry, sorry, Senior sister. I was wrong. I'll make sure to eat on time next time."

Liu Shuang glanced at her and shook her head helplessly. Zhao Ke coughed a few times from behind them and said warmly, "It's getting late, how do the two senior/junior sisters plan to proceed?"

Shen Qiqi smiled, "We may have to camp out in the wilderness tonight. Why don't we take advantage of the remaining daylight and find a place to rest?"

"Okay," Zhao Ke said, "there's a clearing ahead that we can use to rest."

The temperature difference between day and night was significant in the barren mountain, and the night wind was strong, causing the temperature to drop significantly compared to the daytime. The flat ground was located behind the slope, which was a sheltered and stable windbreak.

Neither Shen Qiqi nor Liu Shuang objected, so the three of them hastened their pace and walked to the clearing. The ground was relatively flat, and Zhao Ke took out several dark-colored small cloth bags and placed them on the ground.

Shen Qiqi was curious and asked, "Senior Brother Zhao, what are you doing?"

Zhao Ke raised his two fingers together, chanted something under his breath, and the small cloth bags on the ground suddenly inflated with a puff and expanded several times like balloons. Shen Qiqi widened her eyes and looked closely. Those cloth bags had already turned into canvas tents.

"Wow, what kind of magic is this!" Shen Qiqi exclaimed. This was too convenient, an automatic tent building system?!

Zhao Ke smiled, "It's just a small spell, nothing special. I'll take a tent for myself, and you two can share one. Is that okay?"

Liu Shuang nodded, "No problem."

Shen Qiqi found a spacious stone nearby, brushed away the sand and dust, and used her spiritual energy to shave off the edges and corners, turning it into a four-sided rectangular shape. She carefully supported Liu Shuang to sit on the long stone and said, "Senior sister, take a rest first."

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now