Chapter 2 - Where The Heck Am I?

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 When opened my eyes the suns rays nearly blinded me. Whoa wait second! Since when was it so hot in Minnesota!? I looked around and saw…tree? That’s when I bolted up from the ground.

Oh gosh, how did I end up here? I looked around I was in the woods. I got up and surveyed the areas. I looked around to see my friends lying around as if like tossed rag dolls. If this is some joke it’s a very sick one. Then I remembered what happened last night…it had felt like a dream but it was so vivid. …I made a wish… not just one, but two!

Oh man; we’re so crapped right now…

Unsure of what to do I looked at my feet that looked like they didn’t belong to me.      

Since when did I ever wear sandels? I only wear sneakers, and boots, never sandels, Minnesota was too forking cold for sandels. There was something tugging on my belt I looked down at it wide eyed.

Since when did I have this awesome sword…? I shouted in shock as I traced the symbols on the sword that hung on my belt along with a dark blue bag.

I looked at the symbols on the sword they looked so pretty. But after a moment or so, I realized they weren’t symbols, instead they were letters: words. Unfortunately, I couldn’t read them… they looked Japanese…

I heard a yawn and turned around and saw Ren who was starting to wake up. My eyes nearly flew out of their sockets.

“Oh my god Ren!” I shouted she looked at me confusingly.

“What?” she said slightly half-panicking and half-sleepy.

“Uh…your hair…it’s…white…” I said with a nervous look on my face. She looked at me and started laughing.

“Ha! You’re funny, Mika, ya know that?” She said before looking around us.

“Hey, where are we anyway…?” I shrugged as I took the bag from earlier, from my belt and opened it. There had to be some kind of reflective object in there…

“Hey Mika, where’d you get that—Ahhhhhhhh!” she screamed, which made me bolt up. “What happened?” I said wide-eyed looking for anything that could have caused her to scream.

“Why are we in a forest!?” By this time she was hyperventilating. My mouth flew open. “Why’d you scream?” asked. She came at me with her hands out and placed them on my shoulders shaking me. “WE’RE. IN. A. FOREST.” She said slowly as if I was slow. Which I wasn’t.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “No, duh! Captain Obvious!” She looked at me wide eyed. “What the fudge are we doing in a GOD FORSAKEN FOERST!” She began raising her voice.

“I dunno… I’m as clueless as you are!” I lied. I had at least a clue why were here, just a clue. But this wasn’t what I wished for. I removed Ren’s hands from my shoulders and went back to looking through the mysterious bag, which contained a few toilet paper rolls—or something like that, a lot of weapons, and a few other things that I had no idea what they were. I kept digging through there until I found… nope, no mirror. So I got the next best thing. I grabbed the sword by the hilt and pulled it from its holdings. Just as I imagined, the sword was completely reflective. I waved it in Ren’s face urging her to look into the reflection.

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