Entry #9

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I only watched Marble Hornets on YouTube. These are going to be scattered and entries

It's been a week since the project Marble Hornets began, and Alex has been more and more impatient with everyone

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It's been a week since the project Marble Hornets began, and Alex has been more and more impatient with everyone

But this faithful day Seth unfortunately brought his dog(I wish they showed the dog) to make it worse the dog had a staring problem

But this faithful day Seth unfortunately brought his dog(I wish they showed the dog) to make it worse the dog had a staring problem

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You were in the middle of Tim, Sarah, all of you were saying your lines. In camera view while the cameraman Seth and some others are off camera. There are kids in the background playing

"Still, still, 8 takes, still"

Tim lights the cigarette

"Can we go yet?"


"Well no, no we can't"

"We can't.. wonderful"

Kids loudly play in the background

"That's what happens when you film in a public place"

You find it weird Alex never yelled at you, he is not the type to yell but here we are. Oh God your space out again

Alex and Tim fight a bit

[Sighs]"If you guys would do it right the first time, we wouldn't have to"

"It was an afternoon shoot, I didn't even buy lunch"

"Let's just do it again, just do it again"

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