Entry #25

502 18 75

Mar 25, 2010


Jay stayed in your house yesterday for a horror movie night with Kurt too. Jay is driving you back for your lunch break. You spot some smoke while the car is driving 

"I wonder what's happening over there?"

Jay looks at your direction to see smoke 


"It's probably just  nothing"

(It is💀💀)

"I guess so"

You shrug and then look out the window again 


"I just got a text saying to look at the news?"


'"I wonder why"

You said as you grab your control and turn on the local news channel to see Jay's armament complex and firefighter putting the fire out as the lady talks about the fire and how it started



"Who would do this!?"

"Don't know nor find out we need to start packing [Reader]"

You both scatter and grab your things. You get Myers, put his cage and take out your phone as you tell Mrs Lawrence you're not coming back from your lunch break cause you feel threaded 

"Where are we going to stay?"

"I don't know? A hotel?"

"Ok I'm going to start the car!"

You head out with your things to your car and start it

'Did Totheark do this?'

Jay puts his thing at the back and jumps passenger front seat

'Oh my god my camcorder! I left!"

"I will be right back I need to get my camera!"

"Okay but be fast about it"


You quickly unlock your apartment and enter in search for your camcorder.You feel someones present behind you

You slowly turn around to see the hoodie guy inches behind you. He closes the distance between you and him. You back hits the wall behind you

'Shit! How do I get out this? Is he even armed'

You look at his hands. He has your camcorder on his left and on his right he got nothing

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