Entry #3- interview with [Reader]

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Heeyyy Tomorrow I will be taking my STAAR so yeah I don't just want to say that

October 3, 2009

Song/Today- Smashing pumpkins





You open the door to see Alex, he's sweating and with his head down catching his breath

"Alex, didn't you tell me you were going to move out today with Amy? Were you run or something?"

Alex didn't respond

"Alex, are you ok?"

"I need you

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You open your eyes. You're laying down on the forest floor. You sit up and look around

'How did I get here? What time is it? What was that weird ass dream?'

You search though your pocket to find nothing

"Shit how am I suppose to get out of here?"

You have a shift in the morning. You walk some more to see more trees


"How am I getting out of here!?"

You feel someone behind you... you turn to see him

The thing at taunted you throughout the production of Marble Hornets back in college, but why is it here? Why right now you haven't seen it since the summer of 05. You fall to the ground in a coughing fit. The last thing you see it that thing


You wake up in your bed in your apartment

'Was that another dream was that a dream in a other dream? It couldn't be! When I fell to the ground it felt too real'

You look at the time to see it was two AM in the morning

'That's weird I couldn't had sworn it was six or five AM when I was there in the woods. It looked like the sun would come up at any minute. Oh well more time for me'

The Summer Of 05 (Yandere Marble hornets x reader) [Under Construction]Where stories live. Discover now