Entry #26

443 12 57

April 4, 2010

You and Jay moved from hotel to hotel not wanna be followed. Jay was scared at first, mainly scared of losing both of your memories. But Jay has been feeling better and having a better memory. Unlike you. You have been disappearing left and right but for Jay's sake you have been saying you're okay. When you come back from these disappearances you wake up in the woods and with a mask with you. You have to find out what's going on you need to..


Jay is waiting for you outside until to get out of work. You finally clock out and close the cafe/ bakery. He seems like he wants to talk to you about something important 


"[Reader], we need to stop investigating.."


"Jay please we can't! I need to know what's going on please!"

You plead 


"I can't have you disappearing and don't pretend like I don't know. You've been going to god knows where and it's been getting worse. You can't even remember if you even eat today!"



You look at him 


"I didn't want you to worry about me, but that's not the point I need to know what's going with me and if more people are having the samething as me. What if Tim or Alex are going through the samething. Just waking up in the woods with no memory of getting there or what happened for about a week. Please Jay.."

"I.. I can't have you destroying yourself. I can't let myself see you like this. I don't want you like this [Reader]..."

"Jay... I can't think about myself anymore. I need to find a solution not for my sake but for all of you"

"You need to think about yourself [Reader]! You're hurting yourself in the process!"

He holds your shoulders 


"How can I Jay they're were our co-stars!"

You were about to cry but didn't 

"I know they are but forgot about them [Reader]!"

"How could you say that Jay!"
You pushed yourself away from him

"You have to let it sink in [Reader]! They might be died or might be alive but that's but our problem! He haven't heard from them since so I guess they forgot about us and Marble Hornets!"

"And you're supposed to be the stubborn one. Have faith in them, sure some could be died but what about the ones who survived what if they're going through hell right now Jay!"

"[Reader]! Think about yourself!"

"Not until they're okay"

"Well I'm breaking you off the source of information"

"What-? No Jay you can't! You were the one to ask me for my help and now you're cutting me off because I want to know? Make it make sense!"

"If it means to keep you safe so be it"
He walk away to his car

"Don't come crying to me when the operator comes back!"

"Don't fucking hold your breath"
You see Jay's pants sagging as he walks away

"Pull up you're god damn pants, you loser!"
You walk the opposite way to your car

It's been getting worse for you. Your memories and your mental health. It was so bad you almost forgot about Marble hornets the youtube channel if it weren't for the notification you got a couple minutes ago. You check on it to see Jay sitting down and looking at the camera

"In fact I haven't thought about it in the past week, and frankly, l've been feeling a lot better"

"My memory is better, I'm not as paranoid, I'm not looking over my shoulder all the time like I used to be"

"So, I think that this is for the best"

"So, this is going to be the last entry that we'll be posting"

He cuts off the camera 

You walk to your bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. You look like a messy. You haven't slept well due to your fear of ending up back in the woods with nothing but some stupid fucking mask

You are a shell of your former self

But thankfully Jay isn't going through this anymore. You miss Jay so much...

You slowly walk to your room but trip. You don't get yourself up you just lay there and cry. What else could you even do?

"..Maybe if I'm lucky enough the Operator would make me forget about Jay and Marble Hornets itself"
You quietly said as you continue to cry

You roll the other side to speak of the devil and he appears. The Operator...


April 18, 2010

You get a text that said 41810. You don't know what it means nor want to know.

The Summer Of 05 (Yandere Marble hornets x reader) [Under Construction]Where stories live. Discover now