Christmas special

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Merry Christmas I'm celebrating today on 24 cuz I'm Mexican I'm sorry I wish I could had post for this morning (sorry to my Mexican readers)

Last Christmas/WHAM!

This was like the dream chapter


You and Brian are setting up for the Christmas party

"Thank for helping me [Reader]"

"No problem, but I should be thanking you Brian for always hosting it at your house everytime"
You smile at him

"Oh! N.. no problem [Reader]!"
He seem to be lost in your eyes for a second and snaps out of it

You give him a weird look

"Has anyone ever told you have such beautiful [color eyes] before?"

"(Chuckles) No. Are you trying flirting with me Brian?"


"I like how your honest"
You chuckle

The door bell rings

"That must be Tim. I'll get it Brian"

"No it's okay I could do it"

"Just get a bit of rest Brian till we start again"
You walk toward the door and opened it to see


Tim! And with a gift for the secret Santa

"Hi Tim Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas to you too [Reader] Where do I put the gift?"

Tim walks in and you close the door

"Just over there on the Christmas tree!"
You point at the tree

"Hey bud!"

"Hey Brian!"


You three were done with setting up for the party. You checked on the time 9:48

"Damn we finished so fast we got an hour and 12 minutes left for the party!"

"What should we do?"

"Try to make eachother laugh?"

"How would we do that?"

"You'll see... You go first!"


Your in the living room with your eyes covered and sitting down on a chair in the middle. Plus some water in your mouth

Tim takes off your blind fold from behind. You turn to do at him, he has a rapping bow on his hair. Which you point at the bow

"Oh this? It's cause I'm your gift"

You choked on the water not cause it was funny just cause it caught you off guard

"I'm your gift too!"
He sounds muffled but you can't seem to find even though you could hear him in the same room

You look around the room and look at the floor just to see suspicious shape 'gift'

You look at Tim and point at the gift

Tim walk towards the 'gift' and unwrap the head to see Brian's faces

You choke on your water and hold your mouth to keep the water from spilling

"[Reader look at me when I'm talking to you!"

You look at Brian which cause you to spit out your water. You are coughing your lungs out


Next year I will end the other part😘😘 so of I'm end with this book I could still post something you guys been waiting on

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