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"Can't you do anything right?" Fyodor asks, crushing the report in his hand.

"Can't you do anything left?"

He glares at you, hard. You may or may have not caused a ruckus in the public. But it wasn't your fault, some hoodlums were harassing you and you handed them their punishment. 

"I thought you liked punishing people too," you say as you look around his room. He didn't bother calling you to meet him somewhere else. It was useless to waste strength walking. 

"Not like this. If you weren't caught, I wouldn't care," he says in a low tone. He extends his hand and wraps it around your throat. 

You glance down at his hand. It is so thin. So pale. So easy to break if you wanted to. "This was not the kind of punishment I had in mind."

"Your clownery rivals Gogol's," he squeezes your throat ever so slightly, "but don't forget that I can kill you right now. I mean, what significance do you even have?" 

"Unfortunately for you, my life is not in your hands. He will kill you if you kill me." You smile and bring your hand to his cold cheek. He is surprised by your actions and moves away instantly.  

You rub your freed throat and smile at him. "Is the smart little rat not used to human touch?"

He moves away as you move closer. Step by step and he trips on his bed and falls back on it, watching as you hover over him. He rolls over to his stomach, attempting to cross the bed and get out of the room.

You lean forward and put your hands on his back, pushing him down. He has no strength to resist yours, especially when you are pushing down on him with your body weight. 

He grips the sheets and looks back at you. You bring your face to his and smile.

"Nothing to say?"

"I wish I could kill you." 

"Kiss me?" You feign surprise. "Sure, you can do that."

And when he actually does, your surprise is real. You can't tell if he was doing it to weaken your hold on him;  you can't tell if you hate it or like it. When it comes to him you just can't tell. 

And neither can he. You'd insult him one minute and praise him the next. He can't tell if he hates you or likes you. He can't tell if he is kissing you because he wants it or because you teased him. 

When it is you two, nobody can tell what is going on. Not even you two.

Have a new chapter because I just found out my male friend was screenshotting our convo and sending it to his female friend. (This is the only way I can cope. <3) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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