Chapter 1

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{Third Person POV}

It was like any other day. Ran and Toby were on a call, discussing a very important matter: Tommy's birthday.

"I don't know what to get him!" Ran said, panicking as he scrolled through Amazon, Etsy, and Pinterest simultaneously.
"Calm down, Ranboo. He'll love anything you get him. He's Tommy fucking InnIt. He's so supportive and happy. He'd be ecstatic if you painted a rock for him," Toby said, spinning on his chair.
"I know you're right, but..." Ranboo paused.
"What? Is it because you like him?" Toby said, sitting up.
"WHAT?!" Ranboo yelled.
"C'mon, you think I don't notice how you get when he's around?" Toby pointed out.
"I'm dyslexic, not oblivious."

Ranboo was stunned. They had liked Tommy for so long, and no one had really said anything, so they assumed they were good at hiding it. If Tubbo knew, who else did?

"Does anyone else know?" they mumbled, still scrolling on Etsy.
"Yeah! Amy, Bill, Freddie, heck, even Phill and Will realized! Yet Tom is still a complete dumbass," Tubbo shook his head, sighing.

Ranboo froze. They didn't realize they were that obvious.

"Yeah, well, there's no point. Tommy's straight..." they slouched in their chair.
"Straight as a circle, if that's what you mean," Tubbo mumbled.
"Huh?" Ranboo was confused.
"Have you seen the way he's been flirting with you recently? He also ended up talking to Phill about it, and turns out he's still questioning," Tubbo ranted.
"Oh..." Ranboo was happy. They could finally have a chance with the one they loved, yet a part of them felt weird.

'What if he doesn't want to be with me?'
'What if he decides he actually is straight?'
'What if it's all just a joke?'
'Why would Tommy want to be with someone as ugly as me?'
'Is Tubbo lying to me?'
'What if...'

"Ranboo!" Tubbo yelled into his mic. Ranboo jumped out of his seat and onto the floor, causing noise to be transferred over the call.
"You okay, boo?" Tubbo asked, concerned.
"Yeah, just fell over. Do you need something?"
"Yeah! When are you moving again?" Tubbo asked.
"Next month, though everything is ready for me. My ticket was booked for next month," Ranboo mumbled as they settled into their chair again.
"Well, how about you come right before his birthday? You could be his surprise, and then take him out or something," Tubbo suggested.

It was a simple suggestion, yet Ranboo loved it. It was perfect. Tommy had been begging them to come early for so long, and if they took Tommy out, then he could pick his present.

"Tubbo... you're a genius!" Ranboo was ecstatic.

For the rest of the night, Ran and Toby planned out how it would go. Ran would come a couple of weeks early and get settled into their house. Then, at his birthday party, they would leave them in Rue's, Tommy's roommate's, room until gift time, and they would move everyone to her room to open it. It was foolproof, so they decided to call Rue and set everything up.

A/N- didn't think this would get any reads over night but ok- I just fixed Rans pronouns since I sort of overlooked them, and also grammar checked it.

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