Chapter 12

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{POV Rue}

I looked around at everyone, trying to spot Evelyn and Esther. I had last checked on Ranboo about 20 minutes ago when Phil and Kristen arrived with their gifts. With everyone settled in, I thought this would be a great time for gifts. I spotted Evelyn and Esther talking with Amy and Guggie. Evelyn spotted me and gave me a nod. I clapped my hands to get everyone's attention and began.

"I think it's time for presents!" I said, smiling at Tom, who had been talking with Tubbo. "Don't presents usually get opened after everyone leaves?" Freddie said. "Don't be silly! Presents get opened with everyone together; it's a great time for everyone to bond!" Evelyn added, walking over to me. "Let's all sit down in the living room," I said, leading everyone inside.

Most everyone sat on the sofas, some opting to stand as there wasn't much room, and of course, Tom, who had been sat in the dead center of the room by Wilbur, 'like a child on Christmas' he called it. He was on the floor with his legs crossed, hands in his lap, waiting patiently. I made sure Evelyn and Esther were standing the closest to my door, obstructing any view of the room inside.

"Let me go get the first gift," I told Tommy as I walked towards my room.

I subtly knocked on the door and walked in to see Ranboo looking at the flowers. They looked up at me as I closed the door.

"They're Alliums," they said, looking back down at the bouquet.

I gave them a small smile and walked towards the pile of gifts.

"It's almost time for your entrance; hope you're ready," I spoke as I grabbed the bag that Wilbur had brought.

They nodded slightly and put the flowers down, taking a big breath.

"Let's hope," they said.

I gave them one more nod before walking out with the bag.

{POV Third Person}

The cycle continued with every single present. Rue would walk in and grab a gift while reassuring Ranboo. She would then leave with the gift and hand it to Tommy, who would open it and gape at how 'amazing' and 'cool' the gift was. There were many amazing gifts.

Rue had gotten him a giant Lovejoy poster which Tom audibly screamed at.
Tubbo had given him an embroidered bandana.
Wilbur had given him Lovejoy sweaters with the different albums on the front.
Phil and Kristen had given him a giant box of candy and chocolate.
Freddie had given him $100 in one of those boxes covered in tape, which took him forever to open.
Bill had given him a teddy, joking about how he could sleep with it.
Amy and Guggie had both given him gift cards to a local candy store and Apple, respectively.
Esther, despite barely knowing him, gifted Tom 2 vouchers to watch any movie at the theater.
And finally, Evelyn had gifted him 2 resin rings, embedded with small Allium petals.
Tommy had picked up the rings, looking at them with such admiration.

"Where did you get these?" Tommy asked excitedly.
"I made them! I dabbled in resin recently and thought you could have my best pieces!" She smiled at him.
"Who are you gonna give the second one to?" She asked slyly.

Tommy looked around to all his friends who looked at him expectantly. Letting out a chuckle, he put the rings back in the box and closed it.

"I have a small idea," he said, sighing. "What's wrong, Tom? You look sad," Freddie said.

Tommy looked up at him.

"Ranboo said they'd sent their gift a while ago; it should've been here by now, but I haven't seen any sign of it," he pouted. "Oh, that's what that box is," Rue exclaimed.

Tommy's head shot up and quickly turned to Rue.

"What box?!" He said hopefully.

Rue looked at Evelyn and Esther, motioning that it was time.

"Let me go get it, though it's big, and we have to set it up."

Evelyn and Esther brought out a giant sheet and got up on two strategically placed chairs so that all view to the rest of the apartment was covered. Rue slipped through and walked towards the room, giving one final knock and walking in as Ranboo looked at her.

"It's time for your performance, Ran."

Rue led Ranboo out of the room and into the living room, motioning for them to be quiet. Right in front of the TV, Rue got Ranboo to set down the box. They grabbed the bouquet from Rue and bent down into the box. Rue had him practice coming out of the box one more time before placing a blanket over him and stuffing the rest of the box with tiny purple helium-filled balloons with ribbons tied to them. She closed the box and tied one giant bow on the top for Tommy to open. Once everything was ready, she tugged on the sheet, getting Esther and Evelyn to drop it, revealing to everyone the Nicky-decorated box. Tommy let out a giant gasp and got up, running to the giant gift. He looked at Rue, and she gave him a nod before stepping back with everyone. She quickly hushed them and motioned for everyone to watch.

Tommy slowly pulled on the ribbon and opened the top of the box, stepping back when all the balloons lifted into the air. Just as Tommy looked down from the balloons, Ranboo emerged from the box with the bouquet of flowers.

"Hey, Tommy..." They said, stepping out and towards Tommy, grabbing a flower from the bouquet and putting it in Tommy's hair. "Have a flower."

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