Chapter 3

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{POV Third Person}

Ranboo awoke on the day of the flight, anxious and scared about what was to come. Of course, this wasn't Ranboo's first time flying alone; they had done it many times before. However, this time, they didn't know when they would be back. The decision to move to the UK had been thought over long and hard, with both their parents encouraging them to pursue their dreams. Yet, none of them realized how hard it would be to leave and not know anything about the future. But they knew it had to be done eventually.

On the way there, Mrs. Boo made sure Ranboo wouldn't become a slob, scolding them for everything - their need for a haircut, the choice of bedsheets, and the clothes they would buy. She didn't skip a beat mentioning the fact that she sometimes watched their streams, and only after Mr. Boo calmed her down did she stop worrying.

Ranboo assured her that they wouldn't become a slob and that they would take care of themselves constantly. This made Mrs. Boo calm down, but she was still on the verge of tears. With her baby all grown up, what was she going to do?

When they finally arrived at the airport, they went through security and made sure Ranboo had everything packed before saying their final goodbyes. It was a very tearful moment, and even Mr. Boo had tears dripping down his face, though he'd never admit it. It was a heartfelt moment for the family, and their final words were exchanged before Ranboo had to rush to their gate.

Finally, when they boarded the plane, they settled down, preparing for the long flight ahead...

A/N - I promise the next chapter will be longer and have the correct pronouns the fist time. It should be out in a bit hopefully.

The Perfect Gift || A Tomboo storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora