Chapter 9

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{POV Third Person}

Ranboo awoke on the day of the 5th and immediately began to get ready. They took a shower and got a casual outfit picked out: black pants and a patterned button-up. They tried to do something with their hair but ultimately failed and gave up. When making their way downstairs, they stole a quick look at the clock.


Ranboo began to panic. Evelyn would be here any minute, and they still hadn't had breakfast. Would she mind staying for a bit? Should they get something to eat on the way? Ranboo didn't know what to do, but they managed to calm themselves before making their way into the kitchen to make some breakfast sandwiches. When they walked in, a thought crossed Ranboo's mind:

'Maybe they'll be less upset if I make them food too.'

It was a solid idea. They could sit down, catch up, talk to Evelyn's lover, and leave when everyone was ready. They decided to go through and make multiple sandwiches until the clock hit 10. Around 10:05, Ranboo heard a knock on the door.

When they opened the door, they saw both Evelyn and her lover standing together, holding hands. Evelyn's lover looked like they'd seen a ghost, and Evelyn herself had a worried look on her face. Ranboo invited them inside and closed the door behind them. As soon as the three walked into the kitchen, Evelyn's lover began crying. Evelyn looked extremely confused and helped them sit down while trying to calm them down.

"Esther, please tell me what's wrong," Evelyn said softly, bringing Esther into a hug.

They grabbed onto her and continued sobbing. Ranboo got Esther a glass of water. It took a bit of time for Esther to stop crying and drink the water, but eventually, they calmed down enough to talk.

"Sorry," they said in a hushed voice, their head still leaning against Evelyn.

"Are you okay? Why were you crying?" Evelyn cupped Esther's face, looking at them with a concerned look.

Esther looked over at Ranboo, who was offering them a sandwich.

"Again, I'm sorry. This house looks exactly like my childhood home. Though my parents passed away when I was young, so I went to go live with my aunt in America." They paused while looking at Evelyn.

"The house went to my dad's brother, who ended up selling it. A lot of my stuff was in that house." Esther continued.

Ranboo noticed them as they began fidgeting with their hands.

"The house had this little loft area where I kept all my photos and memories. It was my getaway from everything... but now I don't have any of the photos of me or my parents.


"Wait, like baby photos of you?"

Evelyn and Esther both turned to Ranboo with confused looks.

"Uhm, yeah," Esther confirmed.

Then it hit them. Esther had very fluffy, jet-black hair. They seemed their age and used to live in a house similar with a loft full of memories. Could the photos Ranboo had found earlier be theirs?

Ranboo got up and made their way into the loft once again, taking the box and bringing it down.

As soon as Ranboo set the box down, tears began falling down Esther's face. They quickly opened the box and dug through all the photos before pulling one from the very bottom. It was of a girl and her parents, sitting in a meadow happily having a picnic. Ranboo looked at Esther as they opened their mouth...

"Mama, Papa?"

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