Chapter 14

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{POV Third Person}

Ranboo's heart raced with anticipation as he stood outside Tommy's apartment, holding a small bouquet of yet again, alliums. As Tommy swung the door open, a grin spread across his face, a mix of curiosity and excitement.

"Hey, Tommy!" Ranboo exclaimed, presenting the flowers.

Tommy's eyes widened, and a genuine smile lit up his features.

Ranboo chuckled nervously. "I've got something special planned for us today. Ready for an adventure?"

Tommy's curiosity grew as they left on their journey. Ranboo led the way to the cat cafe Evelyn worked at, a haven for cat lovers. The moment they stepped inside, the air filled with the sounds of purring cats. Plush chairs and cat-themed decor surrounded them, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

"Surprise!" Ranboo grinned, gesturing to the playful kitties that roamed freely.

Tommy's eyes widened with delight as he took in the scene. "No way! A cat cafe? Ranboo, you're a genius!"

Ranboo led Tommy to the counter where Evelyn stood waiting for them.

"Evelyn? You work here!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Yup! Now what can I get you love birds"

The duo finished ordering and found a cozy corner, surrounded by a group of affectionate cats. Ranboo watched Tommy's face light up as he interacted with the furry companions. They played with kittens, stroked the soft fur of older cats, and shared laughter over the playful antics of their newfound feline friends.

As they sipped on the drinks Evelyn had generously brought to them, Ranboo couldn't help but admire the way Tommy's eyes sparkled with joy. The connection between them deepened with every shared laugh and gentle petting of a cat. It was a simple yet magical start to the day.

After leaving the cat cafe, Ranboo suggested they head to the mall for some birthday shopping. They explored the stores, Tommy excitedly trying on various outfits while Ranboo offered to pay for anything Tommy wanted. By the time they left, Tommy had many bags full of gifts that ranboo had spoiled him with.

"Happy birthday, Tommy," Ranboo said with a smile.

"Thank You boo." Tommy said back with a small chuckle

The day continued with a spontaneous decision to visit an arcade. Ranboo and Tommy engaged in 'friendly' competition, racing in virtual worlds, battling in arcade shooters, and even trying their luck at claw machines. Amidst the flashing lights and upbeat music tommy happily jumped up and down as ranboo won him a cat plush, reminding them of the cafe, small things like this made every moment memorable.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over Nottingham, Ranboo had one final surprise in store. He guided Tommy towards the beach, the sound of crashing waves welcoming them. The horizon painted hues of orange, pink, and gold as the sun dipped lower, creating a breathtaking backdrop.

"Tommy," Ranboo began, a hint of nervousness in his voice, "there's one more thing I wanted to give you."

He handed Tommy a small wrapped box. Tommy's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he opened it to reveal a beautifully crafted necklace, a pendant shaped like a crescent moon. He had seen it in a jewellery shop and had snuck off to buy it. He knew Tommy would love it and he was right.

"It's... it's amazing, Ranboo," Tommy said, his voice filled with genuine shock.

Ranboo smiled, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "There's something else I've been wanting to do today."

He took a deep breath, mustering the courage to express what had been lingering in his heart. "Tommy, you mean a lot to me, and I've enjoyed every moment of today. There's something I've been wanting to do for a while."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the beach, Ranboo leaned in, quietly asking if it was ok and when he got the go ahead, he captured Tommy's lips in a gentle kiss. Time seemed to stand still as they shared their first kiss, the colors of the sunset mirroring the warmth in their hearts.

When they finally pulled away, Tommy wore a stunned yet pleased expression. "Ranboo... wow."

Ranboo grinned, a mix of relief and happiness flooding his chest. "Happy birthday, Tommy. I'm glad I could make it special."

They sat on the beach, hand in hand, watching the stars emerge in the evening sky. The waves  crashing against the shore, and the cool breeze carried the promise of more adventures together. It was a date neither of them would forget, a day marked not just by celebration but by the creation of something beautiful between two friends turned something more.

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