Chapter 4

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{POV Third Person}

The flight was quite empty, and Ranboo somehow got a whole row to himself, or so they thought. The final people for their section were boarding, and Ranboo was hoping that they had a whole row, but of course, you can't get everything. A girl around their age began putting her luggage in the overhead compartment, keeping a laptop bag strapped around her front.

"Uhm, excuse me," she said, a slight British accent lacing her words. "I'm in the window seat."

Ranboo looked up at the girl and pulled their legs up to allow her to pass. When she took her seat, she slid her laptop bag under the seat in front and buckled her seatbelt. Ranboo decided that if they were going to be seated next to each other for the next 9 hours, they should probably make some small talk.

"So why are you going to the UK?" they asked, looking at her.

She looked over from the window, happily.

"Oh, you're actually talking to me. Most people don't talk on flights. This is great, a new friend!" she trailed off.

Ranboo found it amusing how energetic the girl was even so early in the morning.

"Ah! Sorry, I trailed off. What was your question? Right, why am I going to the UK?" she began once again. "Well, I live there. I was visiting my lover who's staying in America for a bit. I would've stayed with them, but I have work," she rolled her eyes.
"Do you not like your work?" Ranboo cut her off. "Sorry for cutting you off."
"No, it's okay," she chuckled. "I tend to trail off. If you hadn't stopped me, I would've talked for the whole flight," she reassured. "And no, I love my job. I work at a small cat cafe next to my house in Nottingham!"

Ranboo's eyes widened; that's where Tommy lived. Maybe that's where they could take Tommy for his birthday.

"What about you?"

Ranboo practically jumped out of their seat; the girl had startled them so much.

"Oh, um, I just moved to the UK. I live in Brighton. Though I am visiting a friend for his birthday in Nottingham," Ranboo said, a slight blush dusting their face.
"Ooooo~ a friend, huh? I don't think friends blush when they mention the other," the girl giggled.

Ranboo became even redder, hiding their face in their hand.

The girl giggled once again.

"My name's Evelyn, by the way," she said.
"Oh, um," Ranboo stuttered. Were they really going to tell her their real name? Uh, no. Mark! Most people think their name's Mark.
"My name's Mark," Ranboo smiled.

Evelyn looked at him, suspicious.

"I feel like I recognize you from somewhere," she said. You could almost see the gears turning in her head, then it hit her. "I know who you look like!" she exclaimed, pulling out her phone and typing something onto Google. She flipped her phone over to show him some pictures on Google. They were them.

Ranboo's eyes widened; they'd been caught.

"You even sound like them, well, without the muffle of the mask. Aren't they pretty?" Evelyn flipped her phone back.

"You think they're pretty?" Ranboo said hopefully. Their facial dysmorphia had a big toll on how they saw themselves. Hearing a random stranger call them pretty boosted their confidence slightly.

"Of course! They are such an amazing person. I've been watching them for years. I might not be able to join every stream, but I quite enjoy the ones I do see," Evelyn began.

Up until the plane took off, Evelyn continued talking about her love for Ranboo as a streamer and all the other MCYTs she watched both on YouTube and Twitch. That was when Ranboo really had a feel for how much of an impact they had on people. The two of them sat there talking for the majority of the flight. Ranboo asked Evelyn more about the cafe she worked at and asked if they could bring their friend for his birthday. She said, "Yeah, of course!" and was excited to meet this elusive 'friend' they kept mentioning. Right before the two decided they'd sleep for the rest of the flight, they exchanged numbers. Finally, Ranboo had made a friend...

The Perfect Gift || A Tomboo storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora