Chapter 7

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{POV Third Person}

They had finally made it back home after such a long day of traveling. They stumbled into their quite empty mansion, extremely tired and ready for bed. Them and Toby had agreed to get a shared Uber to drop them each home, and now that all the excitement of the day had worn off, all they wanted was to sleep. Ranboo dragged their luggage all the way upstairs to their now bedroom and flung open the door, only to realize that there was indeed nothing in the house. It was completely empty. Ranboo let out a groan, left their suitcase near their bedroom door, and began walking around the house to try and find anything that they could sleep on until their new furniture arrived the next day.

They ended up finding a random loft area above the kitchen. It seems the previous owners used it as some sort of hideaway, and it had a pretty comfy mattress in the corner. The ceiling was low, and it was completely hidden from the floor, but Ranboo decided that it would be perfect for a couple of nights while they got settled in. Maybe they could keep the area as it was in case they had people over and needed to disappear for a bit. Ranboo chuckled at the idea and went back to their room to change their clothes, returning after a bit to get some rest... only it didn't come.

Insomnia was a recurring thing with Ranboo, and it was always a struggle when it returned, especially when they knew they couldn't get it to disappear that quickly. Ranboo retreated to exploring the small area as it was quite cluttered. There were many things Ranboo could see from first glance—string lights with Polaroid photos clipped to them, little trinkets and such laying on small desk shelves. It was so homey and began making them slightly homesick.

Ran tried to turn on the string lights and found that they surprisingly worked. They picked off one of the photos and flipped it over to try and see if there was any date or such on it and found that they were decades old. This shocked Ranboo quite a bit seeing as they looked pretty new. They put the photo back and grabbed a box that sat neatly under the lights. They opened it and found many baby pictures of what seemed to be a little girl with black hair. They flipped the picture, and the date was the year 2003, the year they were born.

They decided that they probably shouldn't be looking through these things and that they'd put everything away later. They tried sleeping again and finally were able to drift off...

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