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               Aria, Sam, and Richie stood by an officer who was asking them questions about what happened. A car showed up at the scene and Aria looked over to see who it was and it was Gale Weathers. Gale looks at the duffle bag that laid on the stretcher in shock. She ran over to the scene in shock. Aria walks over to Gale and grabs her before she makes it over to the duffle bag. Richie came over and helped her out. 

               Gale cried in their arms at the seen. She was still in love with Dewy, no matter how things were ended. They were driven to a different hospital where they all sat in the lobby except for Tara, who was being seen by a doctor. "Sam, she really loved Dewy." Aria broke the silence between her and Sam as they looked at Gale sitting there depressed. Sam nodded at her, agreeing with her statement. She'd be this upset if Richie were in Dewy's shoes. Aria and Sam both walked up to Gale. Sam spoke first, "I'm sorry."

               Gale sighed and silence took over the group. "I didn't know him well, but... he helped me..." Sam added on to her apology. Gale lifted her head up and looked at the ground. "That is what he did."  Gale spoke as she sniffs. 'He helped people." Gale paused as she continued to look at the ground. "I should've stopped him." Gale said quietly, but loud enough for the two of them to hear. Aria sat in the seat in front of Gale. She felt so sorry for Gale. "If you hadn't, my sister would be dead. " Sam spoke again, causing Gale to look up at her and shake her head. 

               "Samantha? Your sister's awake." The doctor called for Sam. Sam left the room to find her sister. Aria decided to stay with Gale to give her company. After what just happened, she didn't want Gale to be on her own. She needed someone right now. Aria was about to say something, but was cut off by a voice coming from behind her. "Gale?" Aria looked behind her to see Sydney Prescott. 

               Aria's eyes widen at Sydney. "I came as soon as I heard." Sydney said as her eyes teared up. Gale stands up and hugs Sydney. Aria smiles at the two hugging. She didn't know the two well, but she knew that they were close to Dewy. Aria's smile fell as she finally realizes the cons of Sydney being back. "I'm sorry to uh. Ruin the moment, but Sydney... You really shouldn't be here." Aria spoke as the two women stop hugging to look at her. "Gale shouldn't even be here either." Aria adds on nervously. 

               Sydney looked at Aria in confusion then at Gale. "Who's this?" She asked gale. Aria waved and spoke, "Aria Verlice. daughter of Jennifer Verlice." Sydney's eyes widen. She smiled at the young teen and gave her a hug. "Oh my god, I haven't seen you since-" Sydney paused before she spoke again. They haven't seen each other since her dad's death. "Yeah, I know it's crazy seeing you here right now." Aria smiled as she hugged Sydney back. "How's your mom?" Sydney pulls away from the hug to look at the girl. 

               She noticed the girls look was showing she was upset. Sydney's smile fell. "No. Don't tell me..." Sydney quietly said. "Ghost face stabbed her and hung her by the stairs of my home." Aria responded to her question. Sydney hugged the girl again. Aria pulled away and smiled at the women. "Listen, I'm fine okay! I'm definitely gonna need a therapist after all of this, but I'm fine right now." Aria spoke.

               Sydney smiles at the girl who tried to make a joke. She was just like her father. "Lets sit and catch up on everything, alright?" Sydney says as she sits in a seat. Aria and Gale nodded. Gale sat in from of Sydney and Aria created the top of the triangle. 

               They continued to chat for a while. They chatted until it was starting to get darker. They were having a great time. They were trying to make a bad situation seem like a positive situation. 

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