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               Aria looked around and noticed that when she ran she was running alone. She had lost sight of where Jason, Richie, Sam, and Tara went. Aria looked around as she breathed heavy. She didn't know what to do. It turned out that the girl she liked. No loved. The girl that she loved, turned out to be a psycho killer. Tears streamed down Aria's face as she put her hands on her ears. The room felt like it was spinning and all she could think about was the noise from the gunshot that her girlfriend had made. 

               Aria went to face the other way, but as soon as she did she felt something slam into her stomach, leaving her in a huge amount of pain as blood dripped out from where it had punctured her. She looked down at the wound and then looked up at who did it and it was ghostface. "A-Amber?" She stuttered out as she laid her hand on the knife. The ghostface shook his head and shoved her into a closet, causing her to land on her butt. Aria let out a breath and stood up. She held her wound. She reached for the door handle and turned to open the door. She pushed on the door, but it wouldn't open.

               "Help! Please! Help! I'm-I'm wounded." She shouted as she used one hand to bang on the door. She continued to shout for help until she finally heard someone at the door. At the moment she had lost a lot of blood and felt a bit dizzy so she leaned against the door to hold herself up. "Please..." She whispered. 

               The door suddenly opened causing Aria to fall over. She closed her eyes and embraced herself expecting to hit the floor. Instead she felt someone grab her just before she landed. She looked at who it was. Sam looked at her in worry. "Sam!" Aria spoke as she stood straight up. She instantly regretted it because pain soon took over her body. She placed her hand on her stomach wound. "Oh my go, Aria. You're hurt." Sam spoke worriedly as she looked at Aria's injury. 

               "There's two." Aria breathed out. Sam's eyes widen in shock. "You mean two ghost faces?" Sam questioned her. Aria nodded her head. Aria was going to speak again but before she could open her mouth they her a loud thud from the other room. The two of them ran into the room and noticed Sidney and ghostface laying on the floor while Richie was coming down the stairs. Ghostface was reaching for the gun, so Sam ran over and grabbed it before he could. 

               Richie went to Sam's side. "We got to get-" He cut himself off by stabbing Sam in the side with a knife he had hidden. Aria's eyes widen as she gasped. She knew he was ghostface, but never expected him to stab his own girlfriend. No wait. She understood everything now. She understood everything that's happening. She was cut out of her thoughts by someone wrapping their arm around her neck. 

               Aria screamed as she saw the person was holding up a knife to her. Sidney went to stand up, but Richie was watching her. "Stay the FUCK down Prescott!" He yelled at the women and she went back down. He looked back at Sam. He turned the knife more in Sam causing Sam to scream in pain. the ghostface on the ground stands up and takes their mask off. It revealed Amber taking a deep breath as she began sweating. Amber looked over at Sam and Richie then at Aria. She smirked at Aria and looked a the ghost face who was holding her. "Let her go."  She said. The ghost face dropped her causing her to fall to the ground. 

               She looked up at the killer who hasn't revealed. The killer was looking down at her. He lifted his hands to the mask and took it off. Aria's eye's started dripping with tears as they widen. She never expect who it was. 

               Jason puts a device up to his mouth and smirks. "Surprise!~" He spoke, but it was in a ghostface voice. Aria went to stand up but Jason held a knife down at her. "Stay down, bitch!" He screamed at the girl. "This isn't a fucking movie!" Sam shouts at Richie as she grunts in pain. "No. But it will be." He looked over at Amber. "That's the point, right, Amber?" He asked Amber as he smiled at her. Aria looked over at Amber who was now holding a gun up to Sidney. "Right, hun!" She shouted over to Richie with a smile plastered on her face. 

               "You..." Aria went to speak, but Jason cut her off. "Yeah that's right." Jason smirked at the girl. "She doesn't love you. Never did. I took that little journal you've been writing in and showed her. She only did all of that kissing shit because I wanted the big reveal to hurt like hell not only physically, BUT EMOTIONALLY TOO!" He shouted those last words as he swing his knife, causing it to cut Aria's arm. Aria screams and places her hand on the slash. "Third act bloodbath, check. Killers revealed, check. Time for the big finale!" Amber cuts into the conversation. Richie pulled the knife out from inside of Sam's stomach and held Sam close to him. "Let's get them into the kitchen." Amber says as she yanks Sidney's hair.

               Jason nods and grabs Aria's arm. He yanks her up to her feet and drags her into the kitchen. They all go into the kitchen and toss the girls into a corner of the kitchen. "You see, no one has made a great Stab movie since the first one." Richie says and Amber jumps up and down. "Not really." He says. He looks over at Amber. "Hey, baby, you want to go get the uh- very ex-Mrs. Riley." Amber looked at Richie with love eyes. Aria couldn't believe it. Amber and Richie are really dating? Amber, Jason, and Richie are all ghost faces. Jason noticed Sidney rush over to grab a nice so he pulls out his gun and pointed it at her. "Hey, HEY!" He shouted. This caught Richie's attention so he turned his focus over to Sidney. 


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