CHAPTER 9: "Unite Me"

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CHAPTER 9: "Unite Me"

He closed his eyes and held on tight to her, hearing her say those words out loud was a gift to him. A gift he thought he'd ever have the pleasure of hearing once more. "Ray, look at me please..." she softly pleaded with him. He opened his eyes, and look into hers; she was like an open book, the love and adoration she had for him mirrored the one he had on his face for sure. Hers unlike his was tainted, and filled with shadows. He felt so underserving of her love, her devotion; he vowed right there and then that he would do everything within his power to be deserving of all her love and devotion.

She knew he was a better man, she had made him want to be a better man, to finally take that step away from the shadows for good. But his inner turmoil were easy for her to discern, she can read him like a book and he was astounded by the way he can open up to her without him even knowing. She placed her hands on his cheek and hissed him tenderly; "I see you, Ray. I see a man who would do anything for his woman. I could see you moving mountains, and gathering heaven and Earth for his woman. I finally see a loyal ally and a very fierce protector. You ca only see yourself as a hideous fish, but I think you are more beautiful than that, I see a beautiful, wonderful, intelligent man who dedicated his life to protect me..." He was visibly uncomfortable with her assessment of his character, but he so wanted to believe that there was redemption in her eyes. That he was no longer the monster that she thought of him in the past. "I only want to keep you safe..." he whispered ever so softly. Overcome by his feelings, he kissed her with abandon, crushing her to him, but he quickly pulled away, panting; "sorry...a-are you hurt?" he asked, a laugh filled with so much happiness echoed and she kissed him tenderly; "I would never be afraid of your kisses, Ray..."

"You need to tell me if...if something is wrong, okay?" he asked pleadingly "If I hurt or scare you, I-I've wanted you for so long and I'm afraid I will forget myself...I-I've lived a life without you, and I-I can't go through that again...God! Help me, you need something more... something better. Not me..." he finished softly. "Ray, what I've had was something I did not want... you are the one I want... always have, always will. I need you, and nothing...nothing will ever be compared to you..."

What was he doing? Thinking he could keep her after what happened, how could he keep her... she would want someone else, someone who is better and not...broken. She spoke of him as if he had hung the stars for her, and hoped he could and he would if he could. But the world is cruel, and reality is harsh, life is unfair...what if she had fault him lacking? Maybe... she had found out that he was just another scarred, broken man twice her age with murder and cold blood in his hands. What if she found that he was less than what he wanted for the rest of her life? "Ray, I can hear your wheels turning... please stop thinking. I love you... I always have done, and I always will. You're a man, I am a woman...and you are the love of my life." She said brushing her hands on his cheeks. But she was wrong, oh so wrong he thought... she was not just a woman, she was his everything...

He had swept her up and walked to the short distance between the door and their bed, kissing and nipping at her neck with tenderness and voracious passion. Gently he laid her on the bed, and lad half on top of her. They met in a clash of teeth and tongues with a voracious need that neither of them anticipated but kept bottled up inside.

She flipped them over so that she was on top, she heard him moan and chuckled a bit and she smiled into their kiss. She straddled his hips shifting her body closer and kissing him deeply, all the while moving and pushing his body down onto the mattress. "I want you so bad Red... I was thinking of making this good for you but you'll just have to settle for quick" his laugh was self-conscious but was happy and she found it to be endearingly adorable; "I think you just stole my line right there sweetheart..." she placed one more chase kiss to his lips before standing up and undressing, encouraging him to do the same; "Race you... last one will have to be the rotten egg..." she said in a fit of giggles. He laughed heartily but undressing none the less. She loved his laughter so much that it warms her heart; " that is so unfair, you have very little to take off..."

Being the sore loser, Red divested his clothes very slowly teasing her up to no end. She was breathless by the time he was down to his boxers, her hands clenching into tight fists as a sign of frustration. She tried pulling him closer by the boxer but he stepped away; "Come on now sweetheart, now that I have you here...I can't have you changing your mind..." she said teasing him. "Lizzie...even the hounds of hell will not bring me away from you right now..." once he was finally undressed, she pushed him deeper on the bed and climbed on his lap. She raised up a bit, and he hissed in a ragged breath as she fed herself to him inch by inch. To him she was like a goddess, too beautiful for the life they were heading but he wouldn't let her go... not if he could help it.

Whimpers left her mouth as she sheathed him inch by inch. Panting ragged breathes he manage to croak out " don't...want to hurt you..." her lips met his, nibbling and sucking, and tracing along the seam of his lips with her tongue. He deepened the kiss and held onto her tightly while he rested inside of her. "Lizzie... God! Lizzie... I love you so much..." his words spurred her to move; she rode him deep with long strokes until both of them were mindless; Red saw stars from behind his eyelids. Every thrust was a promise of her love for him, how she punctuated her feelings for him with every thrust. It wasn't long until he could no longer hold the pleasure building up inside him. she was so tight, so wet for him and he remembered the times they had made love before. He hardened even more inside of her, grew even more; reaching from between their bodies he rubbed her clit. Her screams broke through the silence surrounding them, but was followed quickly by his moans of pleasure.

Collapsing against him, she kissed every ounce of him with every ounce of love she had for him. "I never want to be apart from you again...ever..." he panted and kissed his chest "before, and at times I never even let myself hope that I would have you... and when I lost you... I never thought you'd have me again..." he swallowed the lump on his throat "if this is a dream... I never want to wake up" he said with a sigh. Framing his face on her small hands with her lean and very capable fingers, she leaned forward showering his face with little kisses; on his brows, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, his forehead, and finally his lips. "this is no dream... you are stuck with me. We get to spend the rest of our lives together. And I for one, will never let you go again... and I can't wait for our adventures..." she said with a smile. He smiled back as brightly and placed a kiss on her forehead "I'd go with you anywhere and everywhere... I guess I'm stuck with you..." he said reverently and very, very happy. 

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