CHAPTER 13: "It Takes Two"

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Red decided to dive head on. "Shore..." It said on the other line, "it's me..." He said not sure of what else to say "I'll be giving you an address and I want you to come there, we need to talk Alan..." There was a long silence at then end of the line "okay..." He said, but as he was about to hung up "and, Ray?" He continued "thank you..." He nodded his head and hummed a bit into the phone before hanging up.

A few hours later, both of them were standing inside the living room of Red's current safe house. "Dembe, could you please run the grocers and pick up a few stuff for dinner, then please take it to Lizzie's place Alan and I will be there for dinner, I think it's time for some family time..." Dembe only nodded and went his way "so, Lizzie... This is?" Alan inquired "you know her Alan, there's no need to ask..."
"It's her isn't it?" He asked trying to keep his anger at bay "the girl..." Red tilted his head trying to keep it cool "Elizabeth Keen damned it! Raymond! The FBI!" Red finally looked up and stared at his younger brother. "Yes..." Alan huffed a laughter "so you fell for the FBI, didn't you," it was Red's turn to huff laughter "I guess I did..." Alan shook his head "what a way to fall in love..." He said and they laughed
"Alan, I think there's something you should know about her..." Red started but was cut off immediately "I think I already know where you're heading here..." In the mean time Alan tried to calm down his anger; she knew she was the girl, she had seen the scar, and remembered. That certain Elizabeth Keen was the girl who had turned his brother's life around. She was why Raymond had to abandon his family as well as himself too. Truth be told he wasn't angry at Liz; she was so young when all that had happened but the realization kicked in and caused an implosion in him and made him angry and all of his pain and sadness blurt out. But he couldn't throw it out in front of her later, if Red was planning to have dinner with "family" so he was trying to get it all out now. She would think that at the end, he hated her for it which wasn't the truth, he actually liked the girl, she was pretty, she looked strong, and she looked the type that wouldn't let Raymond just through.
"Alan what's going on?" He was still angry and wouldn't want to get the word salad out but his heart ached as the years of sadness and pain filled him completely. He wanted to hurt his brother as Raymond had hurt him. "Is she the girl?"
"What girl?" He asked again "the one you saved 2 decades ago..." Red chewed on his cheek "yes. How did you know?" Alan snickered, "I saw the scar when she and I shook hands, I remembered... And then I got the name,.. And it doesn't take long to put two and two together."
"Yes, is she bothering you?" Red asked his brother. He walked away further from where he was "not at all but... You saved her, and now you're in love with her?? She's what ... More than a girlfriend I'd say..."
"Strange isn't it?" Red chuckled and turned around to bring some scotch to him but Alan simply stopped him with his words "no, it's sick." Red turned around and saw his expression. "What did you say?" He asked trying to calm himself down. " I said that you're sick, twisted and even might as well be a pervert." Alan stepped closer to his twin while he pushed him further. "Did you even think about f-" he didn't finish his sentence as Red's fist connected with his jaw.
Whatever God above was his witness he didn't want to hit him, but he had to stop his lecherous mouth and inappropriate words that they were both unworthy for. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM??" Red yelled.

Alan fell down on the chaise lounge and didn't even notice the blood that was trickling from his mouth as he slowly stood up and looked at his brother with tears in his eyes. Being brothers younger he was, he always considered him to be his hero. (Their age gap separated by a few years) and his stand in father. He was the only person who took care of him, the only person who treated him properly. The man who had been at school with him, check their home words, and always wished him goodnight. The man who just disappeared when he had been 21, leaving him emptiness even when he went out for military school at an early age of 18. From there on that point nobody asked him about his studies, nobody braced him to ask a girl on a date.
How could even his brother ask him that, and how would he respond? Red's anger disappear as he saw the pain and sadness in his brother's eyes. They just stood there and studied each other, neither of them dared to speak.

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