CHAPTER 15: "Mrs. Reddington"

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Liz walked inside their new home in Baltimore Maryland, exhausted. Red's Blacklist was finally complete after 5 long years. They had taken down the number one in his Blacklist. Red seemed particularly relieved that Fitch had been dead for years before this happened, or else they never would've fished. Liz didn't even bother to ask why was he so relieved, he didn't usually share things to her unless it was really necessary; it had been like that from the beginning and over the years she had learned to understand why.

Tom is finally out of the picture having been in Red's list torturing him, he was personally killed by Ressler four months ago; Red would've killed him himself but Ressler had the lucky shot. She was past feeling hurt and angry about betraying her, but he would never forgive him for hurting Red. Red had been nothing but her touchstone all throughout and in turn they were closer than ever. And now, they were lovers she had put up s no holds barred to what she'll do to keep him safe, and it goes the same for him.

Red still hopped from safe house to safe house, but every now and then he'll stay with her at the Audrey's or at his place Bethsaida apartment. Their relationship grew even stronger as the year progressed, he was definitely not the one for show but is still alway affectionate nonetheless. She still loved listening and watching him talk,and he would often turn the conversation back to her after he finished his stories. She remembered the times when they'd kiss over the years, particularly after stressful cases, as a reminder that they were still alive, and he hugged her often, pulling her close to him and enveloping her completely until she felt she couldn't breathe, and they managed progression from there. A hand on her back or elbow, friendly pats that lingered too long. She once felt frustrated because she didn't want her colleagues to know that she was getting comfy with the criminal, but yet she was tired of hiding her feelings for him. And so consequences be damned they pursued what they felt, and it turned out to be better than they expected. The team was fine with them ,supportive even and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Now that the blacklist was complete, the other part of Red's deal that he signed in the beginning already took its effect, he was cleared from all charges both at home and abroad. He was a free man, he didn't have to run anymore. And in exchange, they started looking for a house which they found one Maryland. White picket fence, two story house "it's a picture perfect dream..." Red whispered and she couldn't help but to smile. Finally, there was peace.

She trudged up the stairs, flipping on the lights as she walked; her feet felt like lead blocks and by the time she reached the top she was dragging them, it had been another 24 hour work day and she was ready to drop first face on their bed and sleep for hours. Red was away tying up loose ends as he'd called it, and told her not to worry, but for safety measures the DARPA chip remained intact in his neck. It was just 8 pm but it felt much later, she changed into her comfy clothes, Red's old shirt and one of his boxers too. Pulling her hair up into a loose ponytail and quickly checked her appearance in the mirror she began walking out of the bathroom. She heard the key turning in front, she wasn't worried because only Red had had they key. "I think this may be Alien to you, but this is called a key, Ray... You use this on doors.." She told him once when she gave a spare key to her Audrey Apartment. And now, he has one for their home as well.

Liz smiled, glad he decided to come home earlier than he had said, and walked down stairs as fast as her tired legs would allow. She made it in time to see him slip through the door and lock it behind him noticing that Dembe was not with him. He was holding bags that screamed CHINESE, making her stomach grumble LOUDLY. she heard an amused huff and a small laugh as he turned around "I knew you haven't eaten yet, I'm glad I've grown accustomed to your terrible eating habits when I'm away..." He was still smiling, but he looked exhausted and she wanted to make that better. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly, she ran a hand on his cheek feeling the 5'o clock shadow which meant he hadn't been able to take care of himself as well. "I just got home, and I was thinking of eating..." Nodding but didn't said anything, he hung up his fedora and cost and walked to the living room with her hot on his heels clinging to his waist. He seemed pre occupied and she wondered why. She slowly followed him and watched as he shed his coat, his vest, his tie and loosened a couple of buttons.

She walked over and picked up his clothes and threw them in the laundry chute while he disappeared into the kitchen and walked out with a bunch of plates and silverware. She was confused by his continued silence "Ray, is everything okay?" She asked. He sat down on the couch and began taking the food out of the bags; "I'm fine sweetheart, just tired."
She made her way over the chance and sat down next to him and placed a kiss on his stubbled cheek. He glanced at her with a surprised expression "are YOU okay, sweetie?" He asked taking up a lot of nicknames for her in their relationship throughout the years, and "sweetie" was her favorite, that and "sweetheart". Liz kissed him again "I'm tired too honey...I don't think I'll be good company tonight with my bae..."
He was leaning over, preparing her plate as he said "sweetheart, I don't plan on staying long tonight. I have some business to attend to that can't wait until tomorrow...I just dropped by to tell you personally love." Her expression must have given her away, because he put his hand on her bare thigh and looked at her "I don't plan on leaving away long Lizzie, if that's what you're asking. And yes, I will take good care, and listen to Dembe and Kate. I have no idea what's going to happen now that the list is done, but you don't need to worry me being abducted or anything, or me leaving without preamble or permission." He stated kissing her gently on the forehead. She sighed audibly in relief and smiled "I'm glad..."
"I want you to listen to whatever Dembe and Kate says okay... I don't want you being a stupid ass again..." She said firmly "yes, you don't need to worry about my safety..." He said with a smile on his face. She started digging in her plate as he filled hers; "I always worry about you..." She said lovingly. Red turned his body towards her and put his hand on her jaw then said softly, "I want you to be Mrs. Reddington in the future..." She was so surprised at his sudden proposal which rendered her speechless in her turn of conversation. She opened and closed her mouth, but nothing came out. He grimaced and dropped his hand, the mumbled "what a time for words to fail me..." She finally found her voice, but it sounded a bit strained to his ears. "I thought you'd never ask... And now that you're asking me... I guess I'm surprised."

He reached over and took her hand, "now that my list is complete, I'm free to do whatever I wish without having to worry about being arrested, for a very long time, and for you to be imprisoned or what. For the first time in s very long time what I want is to travel the world with you and show you all of my favourite places, while helping you find your own. "You want me to up quit FBI and run away with you?" It was staring to grown on her, there wasn't holding her. Back anyway and it's certainly not her job since she would be likely placed on desk jobs.
Instead of answering, she leaned forward and kissed him with all the passion that she had for him and pulled back and said with a big smile on her face "YES! A million times YES!!" She lifted her hand and placed in on his cheek running it over the scratchy stubble, making him close his eyes. He gave her a thousand watt smile and kissed her passionately "I don't know what to say..." He said emotions filling him, and the corners of his eyes brimming with tears: "are you sure?" He asked kindly... "I don't wan to force you on anything..." She kissed him again until all of the oxygen was taken away from her lungs; "there is nothing I'd want more than to travel the globe with you, and marry you sometime... And yes, start a family with you as well." She smiled once more getting used to idea of having a future with the man she loved. "Eventually..." He smiled "you're looking at the future Mrs. Reddington" then she smiled. The future suddenly looked so much brighter that it already was.

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