CHAPTER 16: "The World Ahead"

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The following day, Lizzie decided that there was nothing keeping her in D.C, and that Red was the most important factor in her life right now, and perhaps for the days to come as well. She had decided that theres nothing else she want more than to be with Red, and that meant leaving everything behind; that day she resigned from the FBI. They tried to get her to stay by offering whatever position she wanted anywhere around the country with ample money for them to have a comfortable life. Liz smiled happy at the thought that they wanted her to stay but she curtly declined their offers at all, they tried telling her that they would try to squeeze Red in their team if that's what's hindering her. They offered Red to have a secure life with her being in the FBI with him being a criminal. Liz grimaced and flinched at the word responding to them by saying that the "criminal" had helped them catch the bad guys and had been cleared of all charges. They didn't have anything to say to that, so she walked out of them. She headed back to the post office to say her final goodbyes to the team. Ressler and Aram helped her to pack up her desk, she said goodbye to Ressler and wished him luck in the future, as well as with Aram, Samar, and Cooper. Tears were brimming in her eyes as she left the building, but it was all for the better she thought.
As they reached the parking lot, she was greeted by a familia car but not her regular service vehicle, and to her surprise Alan popped up; "my wonderful brother's bodyguard and brother-like bloke told me that he was occupied at the moment and wanted me to pick up a very special package by the name of "Elizabeth Keen", am I in the right place? Surely the GPS pointed me here." He said with a very humorous voice and a big smile on his face. Liz couldn't help but to smile back at her future brother-in-law, but it was official yet since they haven't told anyone so far. Alan opened up his arms and Liz dived in for the hug; much like his brother, Alan was also a fluffy live teddy bear. "You seem to be in the right place, yes..." She said with a smile; making Alan chuckle, "I thought I was..." He said giving her a kiss on top of her head. Looking around he saw Ressler and Aram behind and he smiled at them, nodding curtly. Liz looked around and smiled at the two agents, "you haven't forgotten Alan have you?" She asked them, and they shook their heads "good to see you again Mr. Shore." Aram greeted in his usual jolly voice, Alan smiled back "likewise, Agent Mojtabaii, Lizzie here gave me the other day some of those red velvet you baked, oh! They were heaven!" He said with a big smile on his face and Donald couldn't help but to laugh a little, making them all look; "I mean no offense, but looking at you is like looking at Reddington himself..." He said making Alan laugh; "please! I'm better looking than my brother, but if you'd ask Lizzie here, I'm sure she would be offended..." Alan quipped and in exchange receiving a smack from Liz.
"Shall we go?" Alan said when Ressler and Aram loaded the last of her boxes into the boot; Liz nodded and gave one last hug to the two agents; "thank you guys so much for eveything! I'm gonna miss you..."
"Remember, when you need anything just call us..." Ressler reminded her, "and if you need anything that's technical don't you forget me, okay?" Aram quipped and Liz nodded. Alan opened the door to the passengers side and let Liz in, before rounding the driver's side and getting in himself. They gave them one last wave before finally exiting the building for good without looking back.

She had been through the best and the worse times in her line of work. She'd been beaten down multiple times and over the head and every time she'd stand back up, she ended up just a bit short. The last few years were the hardest and she felt like she'd been carrying so much load on her back with just a little bit of hope in the persona of Red in sight. Leaving was probably the best thing for her to do both mentally and physically.

When Alan, dropped her off at her apartment at the Audrey, she found Red fast asleep on the couch. He never really slept well and Lizzie always made sure that he was well rested, and was careful not to make too much noise least to wake him from his much needed sleep. Lizzie had observed that his shoes were removed and his shirt and fest were both unbuttoned showing off his undershirt. He looked incredibly handsome even in his sleep and Liz couldn't help but to perch gingerly on the armchair of the couch and watched as he sleep. His mouth was slightly ajar and he was making the most adorable whistling noise every time he breathed out and Lizzie had found it to be quite endearing, but would never admit it to anyone.

After their dinner last night he had kissed her softly and left, telling her that he wouldn't be too long. Last time he said that he said he would be gone for a week but didn't returned after two. She'd smiled and walked him to the door, acting like she was fine with him leaving, while feeling apprehensive on the inside. She didn't know what to do if he didn't return. She went to bed after he left and feel asleep hugging his pillow, exhausted enough but not too exhausted to not worry about his safe return.
The next morning when she'd gotten to leave for work he still hadn't return but received a text from Dembe that he would be meeting her at their Audrey apartment; finding him there now sleeping almost like an angel was such a relief. She must have jerked the couch slightly because his breathing changed and slowly he opened his eyes, almost like an owl ask he blinked the sleep away. He blinked a few more times before lifting his head, and giving her a sleepy smile; "hey...when did you get back?" She placed her hand on his sock clad foot and tickled it so, and raised her eyebrows in a playful manner; "I could ask you the same..." He yawned and beckoned for her to come and snuggle beside him which she granted indeed without a second thought. He raised his hand to look up at his watch "I've been here for a couple of hours. How did it go with the FBI sweetie?" She snuggled closer to him, as he rubbed this face trying to wake up; "they were offering me so much stuff to make me stay... Better pay, better position, your own safety team...for being an outlaw, they didn't want me to go..." He looked at her for that but she continued before he could say anything "I might have laughed at them, and then told them that you were cleared of anything and everything. I think I took the wind out of their sails because they just sat their like their world just shattered without me. So I walked out, went back the post office, packed my desk, walked out and left... Oh, and Alan fetched me." He reached over and kissed her forehead "that's my girl."
She placed a kiss on his cheek and grinned as he stood up and stretched his back with a grown. She hadn't notice that his belt was also undone. "Ray if you wanted to just not wear clothes, that would have been arranged..." He turned his head to her and gave her a predatory grin "and I'm sure you would have loved that so much wouldn't you sweetheart?" She threw a pillow at him making him laugh at her blush and mumbled as he walked towards the bathroom swaying his hips in the most provocative ways "I'll be back..."
Liz stood up and went to the kitchen, opening the fridge, lost in thought she didn't hear Red approaching until he wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck, planting kisses before whispering "you look absolutely stunning today sweetheart..."
She smiled and turning her head as far as she could, hugging his arms, "Flattery with get you everywhere..." He kissed her ear and then pulled away, leaning against the counter behind him and crossed his arms; "I think we should leave today, I think I'm ready to get out of this cold DC weather and damn traffic." She turned around and saw that his shirt was still unbuttoned, so she reached forward and started toying with one of them, avoiding eye contact. She was nervous about dropping everything and leaving. "Are you second-guessing to leave with me?" His voice was low and he reached forward and ran his hand up and down her arms gently. She grimaced "no, I guess I'm just having a hard time imaging life and just traveling away...running away..."His hand stilled "is that what you think we're doing? Running away?" She still hadn't looked at him in the eye as she nodded. He sighed "sweetheart, I don't want to force you to come with me. I don't consider it running away because we will be back to come and visit time to time. If you don't feel like you can take that step then you can stay here, you can stay somewhere near Alan, and I'll have Mikhail to come and stay with you both, and for Kate to come and visit you both and I'll come back to visit from time to time."
She didn't want that. His visits would become less and less frequent until they eventually stop. She was way too far down in their relationship for that to happen. "No, I don't want that either. I'm going to go with you. I'm just trying to get used to the idea." He tilted her chin up with his thumb and forefinger "there's nothing holding us back now, I'm free and they can't stop me. You'll get to visit the places you've only dreamed about. We'll start a new life, and a family together."
She put on a brave face and smiled; "so you want to leave today? What about my stuff? All of them?"
He folded his arms back across his chest "the apartment and the house is to stay like it is. We've bought it so there no problem. Alan and Kate together with Mikhail can take a look at them every once in a while, so all you have to bring is some of your clothes and other personal effects... As for the clothes, just some sweetie, I want to take you shopping."
She narrowed her eyes "shopping? Seriously? Ray I don't need-" he cut her off with a kiss "you're a winter sweetheart, not an autumn, and besides it will be fun..."
She could never resist when he called her that "thank you so much Ray . It won't seem like running away since we have a place to come home, and then there's Alan and Kate" she pointed over her shoulder with her thumb "I'm gonna pack my stuff, wanna help?" His grin had that slight leer to it and she caught it quickly "I would love to help... I think I'd like to pack your undies sweetie..." She snorted "as if you don't know them well enough Ray..." He laughed "how could I not know, I bought them..."

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