CHAPTER 17: "Us Against The World"

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The time came when they found a place they could settle down once more, in the middle of Cornwall by a grand lighthouse that he owned near the cliffs and overlooking the sea.

A crush of gravel heralded their arrival in Port Isaac Cornwall. Red found this place a long time ago and decided it was time for him to share it with the most beautiful woman in the world, his Lizzie. "Very nice..." She remarked "this is a lovely place..." She remarked. They had just arrived in England the night before, and just arrived there. Red told her that it was a place to be trekked and not walked. He was wearing hiking boots, corduroys and s light jacket and had two giant rucksacks on his back with leather straps each slung casually over his shoulder. Lizzie wore Capri pants, reefer jackets over a thin red sweater, with a short scarf tied at her neck, and stout walking shoes, her hair loosely tied with a bright red ribbon.
They headed down through the little harbor town, to where the drop-front ferry pulled in. The trip took 10minutes on safer and saved them an 18 mile round trip by land. Crossing the islets, they discovered a small church stone standing along towards St. endocrine, with its slate wall surrounding the graveyard. It was decked out with flowers, donned by a wedding previous. An arch of cream roses filled the other doors with small posies, and forget me nots towards the whole church. It was cool and smelled of fresh sea and salted air, it was a bit like heaven. "What a beautiful little place..." Liz breathed, "so tranquil and peaceful... It's like something out of a fairytale book ..."she said with a smile. The footpath rose sharply now, up over a rocky outcrop for a couple of miles before dropping down into the small harbor village of Polzeath.
After touring the lighthouse, they decided to visit the village by trail "it's not that far, and I'm sure you'll love the breeze in your face..." Red said running his thumb across her rosy cheek. Red hauled himself up the steep slope, before turning and bracing himself, to lean down and offer his hand to Lizzie, to scramble beside him. His strong fingers pulled him to his side, clinging to his elbow with his other hand, and finishing in his arms. For seconds their eyes locked and Lizzie laughed at the way they got up there making Red laugh too.
A cafe, with wooden chairs greeted them as they entered town. The cool winds chilling their bodies and the track made them thirsty. So they took a seat and waited to be served. A waitress in a starched white cap and pinky came to take their order. Red glanced up and smiled "it's nice to see you back in town, Mr. Raymond..." She greeted him with a smile "likewise,'s been far too long." Red replied with a smile. "What would it be then luv?" She asked "um, a pot of tea for two, I think please..." He said, "and some of those delicious frosted scones if you can manage it..."
"Of course" the waitress replied and scribbled away "and what would the fair maiden like?" She asked looking back at Liz with a smile "I think, I'll just have the same... Just two rounds of scones I guess please." The waitress smiled "it's your first time here, isn't it luv? Oh don't ya worry, Cornwall is a very nice place and perfect for lovers like yourself... Tell you what, I'll throw in some pies as well... On the house for you two..." She said winking at them and Red huffed a laugh "thank you so much Mairi..." The waitress smiled "aye, don't mention it Luv, it's fine..." She said leaving them behind.
"This is such a nice choice, Ray, coming here, it's beautiful thank you..." She leaned in and kissed him softly on his lips.
He laughed and pulled her towards him again. She laced their fingers together, laid her head on his shoulder. She could feel him sign and held her close, a hand now across her shoulder and planted a kiss on top of her head. "This is so picturesque..." She giggled "I think this place is just made up and were mad..." She giggle again making him laugh "then let's defy them, and show the world just how mad we really are... " he said and looked down "we're quite a pair, aren't we?" He smiled and kissed her lips.

The days remained cold but bright, they walked together, sometimes for miles. The comfort of her holding his arm, or his hand, the warmth of her beside him at night, were pleasures that Red never thought to feel ever again. Kissing her, caressing her beautiful skin, and feeling her touch in return, being one with her, body and soul, chasing away the horrid past that he once had. Chasing away the dark nights and the painful memories that sometimes haunted him in his sleep. She was his angel, his Ray of light, and he worshipped her. Finally he confessed to him that she thought she'd never find another life after his family, and he thought it was just as because he was a sinner, a monster. At first it disturbed her, she knew how damaged he was, but this wasn't a sacrifice for her, she was there with him because she loved him, and he loved her, and that's all that matters in the end.
The subject of travel came up one evening as they sat cozily in front of the fire. "Ray, where should we go next? Travel the rest of Europe, I'd like that." Even with her new found confidence, she was still a little unsure, it was true he had money, and he don't need to "work". In fact she doubted that he could "work" meager jobs at all. "There is no rush, we don't have to pack up and leave tomorrow, we'll go day after that." He laughed drawing her close.
"You mean, you're actually considering it?Us traveling together once more? You would leave this haven, and just go?. She asked "well, we've done it before, we can do it again..." He said with a smile and her face became animated "YES! That is so cool Ray, and then I have you to share it with makes it so much better, not to mention exciting..." She said giggling a bit.
Traveling with Raymond Reddington is so much like an Odyssey. The golden Arrow, London to Paris express. The Venice Simplon Orient Express. Italy, the place that screamed Renaissance; Florence, Venice, Rome, warmth of the sunshine, South of France, Delicious food, luscious wine, warm sunshine. Frescos, Michelangelo, a loggia in Tuscany. A gondola Ride, the Bridge of sighs, the Arc Du Triumph, Notre Dame, Seine, the Grand Canal. They spent a month there moving from city to city, just drinking it in, enjoying the sights and each other.
Balmy nights, when they would do was make love, passionate exploration, each discovering the other once more. Waves of lust tempered by gentle caress. Delight at skin upon skin. Dreams being relived, the last banished, the light regained. No time for nightmares, no time for Hauntings of the past.
They moved on to Greece; temples and ancient cities, wonders untold. An olive grove, a nice villa that he owned, bluest skies imaginable, and bluer seas and endless oceans, relaxed and happy. Laughter, so much laughter. Red relaxed as she'd never seen him before, chest aching, stomach moving, shoulders shaking, a boyish laugh, pranks, and just plain carefree. A wonderful, wonderful sound.
Stepping aboard the ship down to the Suez. The heat of the Middle East, and Egypt. Mirages, pyramid. Pharaohs tombs, and curses and scrolls. Leaning upon his shoulder as they traveled, journeyed onwards they went, he bent down and kissed her. His angel, his light, his second chance. He took her to Madrid, Barcelona, Córdoba, even where memories took him apart, Russia, and Brussels, where Ressler shot him. Eventually as she guessed one day they might, they reached Paris. It was there they settled again. It was there where they plan to build another life. A chateau that he once again owned not far from the Tuileries. Street cafes, music, art, love. No one in France commented in their love affair which they pretty much heard in England when they're down London. Love was love simple as that. They had no base in London now, Red sold his flat, and they never went back, their destination of choice, when in England, their lighthouse. It was there where they retreated sometimes.
But they went back, they went back to their first destination and where it all began, Annapolis just outside city limits. They would go there when they were tired of traveling, even when they got bored of Paris, and when there was too much tourist down in Cornwall. The place where it all began. Where they could walk for hours and not meet a soul. The ceaseless sounds of waves on the rocks below, the cry of gulls. Where Red had learned to love again, how to trust her implicitly, and Lizzie discovered that love can help conquer the darkest of dreams. The place where all the hurt and pain of so many years had finally been released, and from where their love grew stronger, and truly consummated. It would always have a place in their hearts. Now living back there, it really was like coming home. Even though anywhere they were together was home and their lives as long as they were together was anywhere the wind takes them.
It was the place Lizzie first shared the news with her lover-fiancée that she was carrying their child.
The place where they now lives back, and would always return from their travels for many years to come. White picket-fenced with two pairs of hands soon to be three and more imprinted on the door where it read, "a house is made of bricks and beams; but a home is made out of hopes and dreams."

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