prolonged, painful, patience- c, walker

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anon askeddd; Charlie walker x reader where he goes down on her Thank youuu and I love your writing sm

me when nonnies😋 UNPROOF READ SMUT !! 17+ . fem! bimbo! reader 💗

it was no secret that charlie walker had a crush on you. from the longing stares to the way literal drool dribbled out of the corner of his mouth when you wore something a little bit more revealing than you normally would.

and to be frank, the feeling was beginning to become mutual. he was adorable, with the way he would offer to do anything for you. he wouldn't let you lift a finger, ever.

"i'm gonna go grab a drink," you once tried to say. "no, i got it. there you go,"

that was just one example. but today, after cinema club, you needed a ride home.

it just so happened that your car made a very unpleasant noise when you tried starting it up.

"you've got to be kidding me," you muttered under your breath. you've been meaning to fix the issue, but figured you could hold it off.

"need a ride?" charlie leaned against the frame of your rolled-down window. "oh my god, you're a lifesaver! thank you," you express.

"of course," he nods.

and that's how you landed in the position you're in right now. sitting pretty in charlie's passenger seat, twiddling with your phone nervously when your sister texts you.

the message read "hey so my girlfriend is coming over so can you go to a friends house after school?? plzplz🙏"

you groaned and texted back with a " yeah, sure "

"what's wrong?" the driver asked you. "i can't go home, my sister's having her girlfriend over." you shake your head in disbelief.

he seems to stare thoughtfully before carefully speaking. "do you, uh, wanna come over to my place?" his voice was slightly sheepish.

"you would let me? oh, thank you, charlie! thank you, thank you!" you leaned over to hug the boy.

his eyes widened as your land accidentally landed on his crotch and it suddenly became harder to keep his focus on the road.

"uh, y/n? i can't drive like this," charlie let you know.

"oh, right. sorry," you said, finally removing your arms from around his neck.

the remainder of the drive to charlie's abode was short.

once you arrived, charlie rushed out of his car and ran to your side of the car. he opened the door for you and this made a small giggle escape your lips.

"aw, thank you. you're so sweet," you simpered at him as you stepped out. his head hung low as his cheeks reddened.

his house was relatively small, considering he is an only child.

"your parents home?" you asked as he held the front door open for you. "no, they never really are," he admitted.

"huh," you nodded, dropping your school bag down next to the doorframe.

as you ran your eyes around the interior of the house, charlie spoke. "so, uh... what do you want to do?"

you tore your eyes from the light structure hanging from the ceiling to look at him.

"aren't you gonna show me your room?" you grinned widely at him. "oh, yeah."

and so there you are, sitting at the head of charlie's bed, skimming through a random magazine you found in his shockingly clean bedroom.

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