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Jisoo: who??

V: the one who dropped you.

Jisoo: oh, he's our director.

V: are you that close to your director.

Jisoo: no he just gave me lift because my cab got cancelled.

V: are you sure there is nothing going on??

Jisoo: ye.. Why are you questioning me like an FBI agent??

V: I was just asking.

Jisoo: I will not answer.

*jisoo sneezed*

V: go get changed chichi or you will catch cold.

Jisoo: thanks for your concern.

V: i'm saying so that i can't catch a cold you know my voice will change.

Jisoo: yeah yeah .

Jisoo pov: why was I answering all his questions before??

*jisoo changes into something comfortable*

Her outfit

*jisoo comes out*

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*jisoo comes out*

V: you changed.

Jisoo: yes!!

V: come here I made you coffee.

Jisoo: really!!

V: yes have it.

*jisoo sits and drinks*

Jisoo: woah this is what I needed.

V: you can thank me for this wonderful and outstanding coffee.

Jisoo: it's not that wonderful.

V: is it then give it back. You don't deserve my precious coffee.

Jisoo: No no, it's really amazing.

V: thank you. You know??

Jisoo: what??

V: you are the second lucky person whom I made something with my own hands.

Jisoo: and who is the first??

V: it's mee, I cook for myself too

*jisoo laughs*

Jisoo: let's watch TV!!

V: NOO!!

Jisoo: why??

V: first complete your coffee. I don't want my sofa to be stained again.

Jisoo: ok fine I will complete. Since when do you have an OCD.

V: since when I was 5

Jisoo: oh! Then how did you manage it at your band house.

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