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The others muttered amongst themselves about plotting to escape the ship. I on the other hand was starting to get more curious about everything and how the robot knew so much about the coins. On approaching the nebula display, I noticed six platforms that looked like it was meant to be stood upon.

"Please, step into the footprints," the robot told us.

"No, we are not going to do that," Jason shook his head as if distrusting everything.

"Hey, question," Billy called out, "Um, what are you?"

"I'm Alpha 5, an alphormic lorcaid persona android," the robot replied introducing itself.

"What?" Jason wondered as if he didn't process it.

"He said he's Alpha 5," Billy began explaining even though all of us heard him the first time.

"Yeah, I know."

"I'm a talking robot. You can trust me," Alpha 5 assured us, even though the others were reluctant.

I was beginning to wonder where the robot himself came from. Possibly from another galaxy. It made me realize that we weren't alone in existence.

Billy and I stepped towards each footprint despite the others being doubtful. I watched my best friend approach one of the footprints and pressed his foot and it made a noise that was a combination of a hum and chime. He got on it and braced himself. 

Trusting Billy's deduction, I too stood on the footprints in front of me. 

"What the hell," Zack shrugged at the others as if telling them that it seemed safe and got himself on one of the footprints.

 "Okay," Trini muttered as if bracing herself as she and Kimberly slowly went to their own footprints and stared at each of us at the same time.

"Why do you keep looking at each other?" Alpha 5 wondered as he observed our group, "Is that like a human thing?"

Jason was the last one to stand on the remaining footprint. Though it took a little bit as he glanced at the rest of us. The second he got on the footprint, there was a flash and what sounded like the ship was starting up.

"Oh, it's working!" Alpha 5 exclaimed happily, "This is great! It's working! Zordon, are you there? Zordon?"

I turned to see what looked like a giant screen and a man's face had made an appearance. What sounded like an unknown dialect was spoken from the screen and Alpha 5 answering in the same language. I assumed it was commonly spoken in whatever galaxy they originated from.

The ship started vibrating that the others and I ended up on our knees. I had to guess the face on the screen was Zordon from hearing Alpha 5 address him by name.

Just then, Jason got off the footprint and urged all of us to get going attempting to seize the opportunity to leave the ship. Zack, Trini, and Kimberly leapt off of the other footprints making a beeline for the exit.

"Come on! Let's go! Move!" Jason pulled Billy off of the footprints who also yanked me off of the one I was on.

"Wait, I don't think--" I was about to explain that the coins somehow led us into the mountain and uncovered a million-year-old secret but was pulled along towards the exit.

The six of us were about to leave when what looked like an automatic door rolled shut, trapping us in.

"Come forward please," Alpha 5 called out to us in English.

"Do we have a choice?" Kimberly asked.

"Don't think so," Jason answered.

"Well, we didn't come all the way in here just to turn away from it," I frowned at the others and stepped back into the room.

"Look! It's Zordon!" Alpha 5 told all of us.

The others were confused except me. Dad had taught how to be aware of my surroundings wherever I went and hear what others were saying even when I wasn't a part of the conversation.

"Zordon, they don't know who you are," Alpha 5 turned to the screen and back at our group, "Come in! Come in!"

"These are them?" Zordon asked in English as he looked over us, "They're so small."

"Funny, I said the same thing actually."

"You mean to tell me that the fate of the universe is placed in the hands of these...these children?"

"The universe? That's a big place," Billy whispered.

"Yeah," I nodded softly.

"They're teenagers," Alpha 5 explained, "Somewhere between infancy and full maturity. It's hard to explain, really. I don't..." He had yet to learn more about humans.

"Show me the coins," Zordon turned to our group.

All of us individually pulled out the coins.

"The morphing grid is never wrong," Zordon continued, "If the power coins have returned to the ship with these..."

"Teenagers," Alpha 5 jumped in filling the sentence. 

"With these teenagers, then these teenagers are the Power Rangers."

"Power Rangers!"

I was wondering what they were talking about.

"Okay, quick question," Zack spoke up raising a hand halfway, "Hello. Hate to interrupt. Did I just hear you say we're Power Rangers?"

What, you didn't hear him? I frowned at him.

"Yes. Yes. You are the Power Rangers," Zordon turned to Zack, "Any other questions?"

"No, I think I'm good," Zack replied.


"I got a question," Billy muttered and then spoke up, "Um...hi, how you doing?"

Zordon turned to my best friend.

"Okay," Billy started, "My name is Billy. Billy Cranston. Uh, kids used to call me Billy-Crams-Tons..."

"Billy! Stop," Jason cut him off.

"You don't have to tell him that," I shook my head at my best friend recalling those days when the other kids used to make fun of him.

"I'm sorry," Billy apologized to Jason and me and resumed speaking with Zordon as he went over to the nebula display which had begun playing a series of scenes like a 3D showing, "Uh, the images here in this sphere tell a history of the Power Rangers. Looks like the Power Rangers were a team that protected life. And life is a bright light. Or a piece of light?"

"Yes. Yes, very good Billy," Zordon commended Billy for his observation and decoding the images, "It is called the Zeo Crystal."

"Oh. I love this part. This is good," Alpha 5 exclaimed excitedly.

"And every planet in the universe that has life has a piece of the crystal buried inside it."

"65 million years ago, Zordon's team died defending the crystal here in what is now Angel Grove."

"The coins have chosen you six. Now you must protect the Zeo Crystal and life on Earth."

"Because we are the Power Rangers?" Jason questioned.

"He's smart," Alpha 5 remarked which was in a sarcastic way.

I had to guess that somewhere out in the open there was a threat attempting to steal the crystal. 

"I'm sorry," Kimberly scoffed, "Um, is this some kind of joke?" She found it all unbelievable which was typical of her. "Like I'm standing here with a wet wedgie. My socks are soaked. We're squishing around in here. We're talking to a wall. I mean, guys..."

"SILENCE!" Zordon thundered just as the six of us were suddenly lifted into the air flat on our backs.

I found myself drifting off into unconscious.

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