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We got to the levitated water set to exit the mountain.

"Hold up!" Trini called, "Look."

A horde of putties jumped into the water. I had a hunch Rita was expecting us to get after her and conjured the rock trolls as a diversion.

"All right. Let's do this," Kimberly nodded.

"Let's kick some putty butt," I remarked, "That is if they have butts."

All of us sprang through the water ceiling and swiftly swam at the invading putties and smashed through them. Water and rocks weren't well-matched! 

We got to the surface, burst out of the pool, and landed back at the edge of the chasm. More putties were waiting for us.

Here we go again! I thought as we charged at the rock trolls and battled them.

"Whoa! This is so much better with armor!" Billy exclaimed.

"I know right!" I shouted as I swiftly dashed through several putties that they fell to pieces, literally.

No matter how many rock trolls we took down, it appeared more were multiplying as another horde came around.

"Guys, they just keep coming!" Jason hollered as he slashed at another bunch with a sword for an arm.

"There's too many of them!" Billy called out.

"You guys hold them off," Zack yelled as he ran from the melee.

"Zack, where are you going?" Trini shouted as the former jumped off and vanished into the chasm. 

The putty horde increased as more formed, forcing us toward the ledge. When it seemed that were easily overwhelmed, the mastodon Zord appeared and plowed into the rock trolls taking them all out.

"Did you guys see that?" Zack remarked as he got out and high fived Jason, "All right who wants me to pimp their ride too?"

"At least you didn't crash this time," I laughed.

"Uh, guys?" Billy called out, "We're too late."

That got our attention. We turned to face the direction he was staring to see what appeared to be a giant gargoyle made of gold. It confirmed to all of us that it was Goldar.

"Oh man. That's... that's a lotta gold," he uttered as the golden gargoyle stomped towards town.

"We're gonna protect the crystal, right?" Trini inquired.

"And everyone in town," I added worrying about Dad and Mitch.

"We're going to Angel Grove," Kimberly nodded agreeing with us, "Let's get the Zords."

We got to the pit and climbed into our own Zords. After getting inside the dire wolf Zord, it closed up after I seated myself.

"This is a lot different than the van," Billy remarked excitedly.

I felt something cling to my back. I turned and saw what made me think of a chain and hook attachment before it forced my back against it. A couple of what made me think of joy-cons hovered towards me. I grabbed them and the Zord started up.

"Yippie-kay-yay, mother-" Billy whooped but censored himself to avoid saying anything explicit, "Mother's good. Mother's good."

"Language!" I shouted.

"Go, go, Power Rangers!" Alpha 5 hollered.

All of us took off once managing to get the hang of operating the Zords. It was ten times different than driving a car. As I leaned forward, the Zord followed my lead. Billy's triceratops Zord ran backwards, slamming into the dire wolf Zord.

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